Monday, May 21, 2012

Gardening, Catching Up and Getting Ready to Get Busier!

It has been a whole week!  I haven't gone a week without a post since I started this blog!  That should tell you how monumentally crazy life has been.  It is only going to get a little crazier as the summer comes and we are gone more than home each day.  I will spare you the many details of the crazy, but I swore on would get on here today and publish a post about the tower because it is growing and growing!!

As many of you remember the start of the Tower Garden looked a little something like this.
Day ONE in tower (The "Day 10" sign reflects how many days from seed the plants are)
Then after one week...
Week ONE in tower
Now, as of today, we have a wildly growing tower that is so exciting and I can't wait to go out there and pluck fresh fruits and veggies to make my salad, salsa, tomato sauce etc.
Week TWO in tower

The veggies, fruits and herbs are happy and loving it!  

I promised I would also keep you updated with our soil gardens.  I have to admit, the tower is whippin its tush right now.  I will say they were planted about 10 days after the tower seeds, but in day to day change, I am not seeing nearly as drastic a change.  We will see how the summer goes.  

I have had quite a few people ask me about our fertilizer's and compost because we use all organic materials in our yard.  Here is a picture of what we bought and used after an EXTENSIVE visit to Worm's Way, which is just north of Bloomington, IN.  They have a very knowledgeable staff and are willing and ready to help you out.
You can laugh, it's OK.  This is me tilling our raised bed garden's with a front tine tiller.

This is all the extra's we put into our garden to add nutrients and richness.  All organic and great for what we are plating.

Brian added soaker hoses throughout the soil for watering.  It is something new he wanted to try because watering last year soaked everything around the garden's just as much.  We will see how it goes.

We are always learning new things and trying even more new things!  I would say our thumbs are slowly getting more and more green, but right now we are in that faded chartreuse stage of gardening.  

Anyone have some great soil gardening tips or questions about the Tower Garden?  

Enjoy the sunshine!

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