Thursday, April 19, 2012

All The Little Cuties

Nothing says Easter like a quartet of little cuties, strutting their stuff in their beautiful dresses and smiles as we are off to celebrate the day with our life group.  Easter was a little ray of sunshine during a difficult time this year.

In the chaos of everything we forgot to buy a color set for dying eggs!  But, alas, daddy was to the rescue and conjured a dye made of 2C water, 1tbs. vinegar and 25 drops of food coloring.  We even dyed our brown organic eggs and they turned out better than any white eggs and Palmer food coloring set I had ever used.  The colors were rich and very deep.  We were all very happy with them.  Needless to say we are doing homemade dye from now on and sticking with our brown organic/ cage free eggs.  I always felt SO guilty buying white eggs every year for this anyway. 

Easter morning came and we really tried not to put too much relevance with the Easter Bunny this year because we wanted them to more concentrate on what Easter is really about.  We read lots of stories about Jesus and the first Easter.  We didn’t get rid of the Easter Bunny by any means, he just wasn’t the focus.  This year, due to varying ages and finding abilities, the girls found their basket on the kitchen island with one colored plastic egg in it.  This was the color that they were to go and find.  So, yellow Skyla, green Trinity, blue Lana and orange Journey went in search of their loot.  They each had 12 eggs, one giant chocolate bunny my husband insisted on and a gift to find.  The colored eggs were eaten for lunch that day and not hidden.  We have learned over time that actual eggs that are hidden tend to attract the many fury family members of this house.  Also, who hasn’t accidentally dyed something with a colored egg?  Still yummy at lunch though!  My kids could eat a dozen hard boiled eggs each.

Yay!  Easter morning!

Their baskets await with their cards from friends and grandparents

get ready, get set....

I can do it, I can do it.  (note:  all of these bunnies are still in the freezer with two bites out of their ears)

Then there were the dresses.  The girls love to get dressed up and all I hear is “take a picture of me!” over and over again.  It is so precious and so amazing to see all my ducks in a row looking so darn cute.

Sky experimenting with photography

We went to meet our amazing life group for Easter dinner.  There are 16 adults and 6 kids in this group, obviously I hold majority with kids and they were the only ones there that day.  They love the attention and all the people they get to play and spend time with.  This group has become such a special part of our family.

Ron is an awesome friend that is often used as a jungle gym.

The girls love Janie and all the fun and hugs she brings.

All in all it was a great Easter.  There was an egg hunt, laughter, surprise, fascination, pancakes, movies, naps, cooking, hugs and fellowship with our life group family. 

Tell me the most precious part of your Easter this year! 


Janie said...

Thanks for including me in your family. The most precious part of my Easter other than praising God for the resurrection, was spending time playing with and loving on your girls! Your family is so very special to me!

Janie said...

Thanks for including me in your family. The most precious part of my Easter other than praising God for the resurrection, was spending time playing with and loving on your girls! Your family is so very special to me!