Monday, April 23, 2012

An Unexpected Turn Toward Destiny: My Juice Plus Story

I didn't think it could be done.  I didn't think I could, or should, add anything to my life list that already had on it: wife, mother of four, teacher of reading/writing/math/life to those four children, church volunteer, writer, web designer, twins club volunteer, school volunteer and a slew of other less specific but important roles.  But, a new ambition, a new mission, was put before me and though I tried, I could not ignore it. 

This is my Juice Plus+ Story

The story begins when my husband brought home some Juice Plus+ chews from his chiropractor late last year.  I ate them and didn’t think much of it.  About a month later my husband went to a health talk at his doctor’s office about wellness and nutrition and brought home some literature on Juice Plus+.  In my growing, and accelerating, push toward natural, organic, nutrient rich foods for our family, the brochure, featuring beautiful and colorful fruits and veggies, caught my eye and lured me into reading more.   

At this point I started broadcasting my curiosity and reached out to anyone who had heard of this product or was taking it.  I found one person that was taking it, many that were interested and a couple of people who were distributers.  I discovered a lecture titled “Journey to a Healthy Existence”, given by a physician, only a week away and I made room in my schedule to go.  Who doesn’t want a healthy existence, right? 

That lecture opened my eyes to things I didn’t know about the cabinet full of vitamins I was taking at home and also to the truly vital role fruits and vegetables play in my health.  There were more and more health studies mentioned and the findings continuously showed the irrelevance and possible danger of taking synthetic, fractioned and isolated vitamins.  Many studies also showed that there was a detriment in taking them completely contrary to its purpose.  The doctor then moved on to the importance of physical exercise, fruits and vegetables and had a slew of medical journal studies he reported findings on.  Toward the end of the talk he spoke about Juice Plus+ and how it was simply 25 different fruits, vegetables, berries, grapes and grains in their dehydrated form. 

When researchers were proving, through lengthy studies, that vitamins did NOT work, the evolution and popularity of juicing came about.  Juicing is a great idea.  It is whole fruits and vegetables blended together to give you a beautiful nutrient rich drink.  BUT, it was expensive and impractical for most.  Juice Plus+ was born from the idea of juicing.  The 25 different fruits, vegetables, berries and grapes are allowed to completely ripen on the plant (unlike much of the store bought produce that is picked before fully ripened to account for transportation time) because most nutrients are actually established in the fruits during those last days of growing.  The growers then pick and send the fruits and vegetables to be juiced and dehydrated.  Everything is done at a cold temperature until mild heat is applied for the unique dehydration process while ensuring that the enzymes are not damaged.  This allows nutrients to stay intact and not denature.  The encapsulation occurs and you can then store and have this whole food supplement every day giving you the variety of foods your body craves.

Juice Plus+ has been around for nearly 20 years and is available in 23 countries.  This is a food, not a drug.  It has a food label on it and is taxed as a food as well.  It is NOT a vitamin supplement.  Since 1996 there have been more than 20 gold standard clinical research studies conducted on this product by researchers at leading hospitals and universities around the world and published in the most prestigious medical journals.  Many studies are still being conducted today as they learn more and more benefits of the human body getting a consistent allowance of all of these nutrients.  The antioxidant abundant Juice Plus+ has been clinically proven to:
-         Absorb into the body
-         Reduce oxidative stress
-         Reduce key biomarkers of systemic inflammation
-         Support a healthy immune system
-         Help protect DNA
-         Support cardiovascular wellness
-         Support healthy skin and gums

I could go on and on about it, honestly.  But, I came home, did more research, talked with my husband and we made the healthful decision that we wanted Juice Plus+ for our family.  “Why?” you ask (besides the gigantic list of reasons above)? 

My walk of faith has been tied in with every avenue of my life and our health is no exception.  We were put here with all the food our bodies need and thrive on and over time we have walked away from the natural foods and toward synthetic “foods” in every shape, color and model.  The daily recommendation for fruits and vegetables is 7-13 servings.  PER DAY PEOPLE!  Who does that?  Who can do that?  Today it is nearly impossible to get the amount and variety of fruits and vegetables our bodies need because of availability, cost and quality.  It just isn’t possible (and that is coming from someone who eats a LOT of fruits and vegetables!). 

There are synthetics and chemicals in nearly everything we try and eat, use or put on our bodies.  This is both voluntary AND involuntary and all of these things produce even more free radicals, causing more oxidative stress and causing more DNA damage.  DNA damage is the chief reason we age and the primary reason for so many diseases out there.  Juice Plus+ helps to reduce oxidative stress and reduce DNA damage!    

How could I say No?  The science is there. The product is a food and it is an easier way to take what is naturally grown on our earth in addition to all the fruits and vegetables I already eat. 

As far as my children are concerned I couldn’t turn my back on something that could support their health on so many levels.  The infectious diseases out there today are so scary and they are mutating and developing everyday.  I want my children to have the best fighting chance against them with the fully enforced immune system we are designed to have.  Lucky me! (especially with my crew) Juice Plus+ has a wonderful Children’s Health Study that sponsors any child, ages 4-18, (and even someone attending college with a college email) to receive Juice Plus+ free for three years as long as a parent, grandparent or friend is on it as well!

NSA, the company that makes Juice Plus+, has a mission to “inspire healthy living around the world”.  I recently decided that I couldn’t not be a part of this movement, so I joined the Juice Plus+ team.  The people and the passion behind this product are truly inspiring, but it is the science and research behind the product that allows it to stand alone.   Originally, I became a distributor to save money for the six of us on Juice Plus+.  But, I learned more and then my eyes opened to all those around me that could benefit from this product and thrive from it. I realized I wanted everyone I loved to hear about this.  I wanted all my friends to hear about this.  I wanted those friends I haven’t even met yet to hear about this whole food supplement.  I know what it can do for them, but they don’t… yet! 

One thing I have learned (sometimes the hard way!) through all of my research on health and wellness in the last couple of years is that we don’t know what we don’t know and what we don't know CAN, and does, hurt us.  That is why, through wellness presentations, personal contacts and random opportunities, I hope to share what I now know about Juice Plus+.  I would love for everyone to hear about healthy living and how this product can help you and your family to bridge the gap between where you are and where you could be.  Anyone that knows me knows this is completely out of my comfort zone, but that is how much I believe in this product and how much I want you on it! 

Anyone and everyone, both far and near, can check out my website at  and explore all the research and facts.  If you’re interested, I’d love to schedule a “Web Walk” with you!  During a “Web Walk” I’m home on my computer and you’re home on yours.  I’ll call you and we can walk through my website together! You can also email or call me with the contact information on my site with any questions.  I would love to talk to you more about it!

Blessings, Health and Happiness to all of you!



Indianalori said...

You know I love it! We just feel better on it. Best of wishes in this new venture!

Anonymous said...

Centrifugal juicerds are speedy, often cost less, and lose a lot of important
nutrients. Because it is filling, it iis more difficult to consume
as many nutrients as you are receiving from juicing.
The variety keeps juicing fresh and maintains your nutritional intake.

Stop by my web-site juicing quinoa