Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Choice to Look at a Life That is Beautifully Full

I really can't complain.  Seriously.  I was reading this morning and found Ephesians 4:29 jump out at me.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"

I could get on here and talk about how the end of the year school crazy has left me struggling for a breathe of life.  How I desperately miss writing this blog every few days and is life is complicated and all so encompassing these days that I do not have time to write about it.  I can write about the overwhelming abundance of life, it's stresses and obstacles.  But, complaints do not grow you and especially not me.  I really needed a mental flip-flop.  We all face adversity in some form everyday and we all have to find ways to overcome it.  Focusing on the overcoming, instead of the seeming downward spiral of chaos, can, and will, do wonders for our mental playground.

My chaos has been abundant as of late, but every fragile, almost break me, chaotic string really has been producing a pretty remarkably strong rope of experience, independence  self confidence and awareness.  I read somewhere else that "Character develops itself in the full stream of life."

So true!