Happy Haves

So, everyone has a list of those MUST have items that it seems life could not go on without.  Well, here is a list of those items for me and feel free to comment and add to the list!  This is a great list to use for baby shower shopping!!!

For Baby: 
Boppy Pillows- no matter if you are nursing or not, these are a must.  They are the perfect support for your little monkey and are a wonder if you are nursing.  There are the twin pillows for feeding your two little ones as well.  This was a must have for me for a year when my twins would not take a bottle. 

Air Filters- All of my girls rooms have an air filter on their dresser.  This has obvious benefits for air quality in the room, but the white noise was, and is, turned on every time they go to sleep and they associate it quickly with sleep.  When I hear this noise it is sleepy time and when mommy turns it off it is wake up time.  Day one home from the hospital stuff right there!

Swing- they are awesome and who wouldn't want an automatic swing pushing them when they are upset? 

Diapers and Wipes and diaper cream- I am ashamed to say I did not do cloth diapers and I do wish I would have, but it seemed every time I had the opportunity to switch, the idea got lost with midnight feedings and something else going on.  I would recommend it though and have heard rave reviews from friends who do it.

Onsies or Full Cover Pj's- this just depends on the season your little one emerges.  Really it is a seldom day when you get your little one all dressed up in the 5 piece outfits Aunt Martha sent you.  Babies spit up, poop and make all sorts of other messes and you change their clothes often.  Keep one or two cute outfits on hand in those early months, but don't overspend where it isn't needed.  A drawer full of the onsies or pajama's do wonders.

Sleep Sacs- These are a life saver at 2am when you can hardly see and you are doing everything in your power to not wake up your baby all the way but need to change the diaper.  We used Carter's brand sleepers that had arms on them and you just sit them right down in there and zip it up.  They are so easy.  I think we had almost twenty of them by the time the twins came along...  and we needed all of them!

Sheet Savers- This protects your sheets so you are not changing them all of the time.  One of mine spit up a lot and these were great for her.  The wedge is also a nice addition for sleepers with any reflux issues.

Mobile- We really like the new fisher Price mobile that goes from mobile to projector later.  It is fascinating to them and has a long term plus.  My 22 month old still uses hers as a projector with music or nature sounds. 

Comfy Spot- You need a glider or something in their room, or close to it, that you can relax in and spend time with your little one.  You can feed them there or just snuggle.  I heard the small bounces on the big exercise balls are a great comfort to them too.

Bathtub- I have seen some contraptions out there!  You need something that will hold water and is big enough for your little one to get their tushy wet.  A simple washcloth and some gentle baby soap.  It isn't rocket science, just wipe down and rinse off the wriggling, screaming, little one and get that towel around them as soon as you can.

Stroller- There is such hub-bub over strollers out there.  Really it is your personal opinion.  I would recommend something that is light weight because you will be lugging it around a lot, FITS in your car (common oops by many), and is easy to snap the car seat into.  The snap-n-go’s are popular for a reason in the early months and you can usually find them on a good sale somewhere used. 

Nursing-  You need a good pump!  With my first I used a hand pump and looking back I think I was CRAZY!  Two to three times a day I would have to do it while I was at work and I had to do one side at a time and it took forever.  Forget it!  With my second pregnancy I bought a Medela Pump ‘n’ Style backpack version and it was a lifesaver.  It was comfortable, compact and concealed.  I had to take it everywhere with me on trips and things.  There are a few good ones out there and I heard the hospital grade ones are awesome too, but invest in one no matter what way you do it.  You will also need some lanolin for soreness (and I would start applying this as you near your due date to try and prepare yourself) and breast pads because you will be leakin' honey.  I was very blessed to be able to breastfeed all of my children, but I know many are not and have a HARD time dealing with that.  I say to you...  You tried, you are a GOOD mom and you need to do what is best for you and the family.  Don't hurt yourself mentally and emotionally to try and do this.  It is hard and it is difficult to stay on course sometimes, but when you know enough is enough, don't beat yourself up.  A great cover is always good too for those public feedings.  Hooter Hider is one brand, although there are many out there.  A small receiving blanket works as well, you just have to watch out for them pulling them off! Oops!

Carrier- These are a great way to get things done and still be close with your little one.  There are buckle ones, expensive and cheap.  There are ones that you wrap and tie and position guides and everything.  It is up to you what you are comfortable with, but just make sure you have something.

Bottles- I am NO expert when it comes to this so others will have to chime in.  I used Avent for all of mine, but that is only because that is what I got at my first baby shower and they worked.  I never used formula either, so I have nothing to offer there.  Sorry.

Car Seat- Of course you need a good safe one of these, but you also need car toys.  The hanging toys for them to play with and reach for are great and a mirror they can investigate at their feet is cool.  You want that time in the car to be interesting for them too.

Furniture- You need something for them to sleep in that is safe and comfortable.  No bumpers, or use breathable ones, and up to code bar width, no drop down sides or lead paint!  J  A dresser of some kind will be needed for all of the baby clothes and diaper needs.

Light- Always nice to have a dimming light so that when you go in for those middle of the night feedings the baby doesn’t think it is morning time and wakes up fully.  You only need a little light to change diapers and feed and get back to bed!

Monitor- You need this if you can’t hear the baby from your room.  I know my husband and I sleep with fans and so we needed this to let us know when baby, babies, needed fed and changed.  Some people have the video ones and we never did get one.  It would be fun for curiosity sake sometimes and with babies with apnea and things they are a must, but in general a good ol’ sound monitor does the job.

Other Misc- LOTS of burp clothes, swaddle blankets (depending on your views and the recommendations on the day they are born since they change every week it seems), nose evacuator (fancy name for boogie sucker), nail clippers made for little hands,  sun hats, winter hats and the JJ Cole Bundle Me for the car seat in the colder months.  A good diaper bag is always a good thing to have.  You don’t need the huge tote that makes it look like you are heading to Australia in the next few hours.  A small, easily accessible bag with pockets in it to organize all the baby things is all you need.  Some diapers, wipes, burp clothes, a change of clothes kept in the car at all times and whatever you need to feed the baby.  Make it as simple as possible. 

Starting Solid Foods: 
Ohhh…  this is a tricky and messy time for mommas and babies.  Get ready.

A GREAT Bib-   I always used Dex bibs for all of my kids.  The ones I use for my fourth are the same as those I used for my first, so they hold up under pressure and have a longevity value.  These are great because they catch everything and the pocket actually comes out from the body so things just don’t fall over the pocket.  I have seen some harder ones as well, but we tried it and they just moved to all the wrong places with the squirmy little ones and didn’t catch the gunk.  You will still have occasional messes, like when you decide Oreo’s are a great idea, or chocolate pudding…  but, sometimes life is messy.  We keep these on our kids until about 3 years old. 

Travel place mats:  Kids are not born knowing how to wield a fork and spoon, so finger food is a must at this age and you don’t want them on dirty restaurant tables, so the Kiddopotamus Tinydiner Placemat is awesome!  You can role it up and keep it right in that great bag you have been carrying around and wipe it off with wipes when finished.  Once a week or so I would rinse it in the sink to keep it spik and span.

Pizza Cutter:  You may ask why???  Well, when you are out and have to cut up all these tiny pieces so your little one doesn’t choke a nice pizza cutter is the way to go.  Again, I just had one in my bag all the time and it significantly cut down on our cutting up food time for the girls.  VERY handy and it still comes with us today!

Food:  Everyone has their own opinions on baby food.  Store bought or homemade, organic or non-organic, stages and steps etc???   It can get crazy.  Honestly, again, Keep it simple.  Homemade food is way easier than you would think it is and way cheaper and you can always have a few jars on the side when you need something in a hurry or traveling.  There are some great baby food companies out there with all natural or organic varieties as well.   
High Chair- this is an important purchase. We used the big plastic ones for a while, but then found the Stokke Tripp Trapp chairs.  We LOVE them.  They ARE expensive, but they are with your child throughout life from 5-6 months and on to adult.  With these chairs you can pull the child right up to the table and have them be a part of the family during meal times instead of off to the side.  You adjust the seat and foot boards to whatever levels you need and there are baby seat guards and straps for when they are little.  They soon learn to get in and out by themselves and they come in all sorts of fun or traditional colors.  But, this way everyone is together.  Bumbo Seats are also great for feeding times not in the kitchen or just for playing as well.

Toys- The toys they use are simple and they love wooden spoons with plastic bins to tap on.  The toys they can start to grab and pull themselves up on are great, but watch out for the ones that tumble over easily.  That isn’t great positive reinforcement when they fall every time they stand up. 

Books, books, books- start reading to your kids as early as birth if you want.  Sit them on your lap and just read through books, give them books to play with.  There are some great cloth ones they can just chew on if they want.  But, get them used to the idea that books are awesome!

Music- Music is a great way to get your child’s brain going and stimulate them.  Different beats and sounds and a mix of voices can invigorate them or lull them to sleep.

I will add more to this list as things come to me, but this is a good start for now.  Happy parenting!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No comments!! When I saw this list I was in HEAVEN, thank you for putting all this information down!! And coming from someone I trust I will totally use it when the time comes... :) Mandy