
Here are some video's I thought I would share.  The quality goes down in the transfer, but it isn't too bad if you watch on the smaller screen.  I hope you enjoy them and they give you a taste of the fun and excitement we have everyday.


 Journey does very well at saying her L's and was proud when she first started!

Featuring the "Four Princesses"

The girls were putting on a play in the backyard.  This is when they were figuring out parts and plot to the story.  I was told to stay back and it was hilarious to hear them trying to figure everything out. 

LOVE to cook with the girls and this was our first pie from scratch.  It is amazing how much better things taste when you make them together.

This was fun in Grandma and Grandpa's new addition.  The girls truely thought it was all theirs!

THIS is the chaos of a birthday party for four people at the same time!  It was a lot of fun though. 

This seems like the most accurate video to start this video library with.  Like I said before, I am launching this blog starting from June 2011.  This video was taken during our 10th wedding anniversary trip to North Carolina.  My life is crazy, chaotic, off tempo, often loud, but precious as can be.  This is my daughters rendition of Ariel from Little Mermaid.

This was some crafty fun we had over the fourth of July weekend.  Journey thought it was amazing to wield a paint brush with globs of gooey paint on it and smeer it wherever she wanted.  Good fun!

So, when we were in college Brian used to play "Chubby Bunny" on camp outs.  People would put as many marshmallows in their mouth as possible and keep trying to say "Chubby Bunny".  Well, this is the next generation. 

This is our first daughter here on her 11th birthday.  Bella came to be with us when she was 6 weeks old in North Carolina before we were married, before we had children of the human variety and before we owned furniture.  We knew we wanted a dog as soon as we could get our hands on one and she was, and is, perfect for us and our family that has grown.  She is a sister to the girls and our little puppy still even if she walks a little slower and is 10 shades lighter than when we first brought her home.  Happy Birthday Bella!!!!!

One of the best parts of the summer 2011 is Skyla learning to ride her bike!!!!  It is a time you always remember.  Good job love bug!

Some summer fun in the back yard.  This is a sprinkler Brian made and the girls love it!  You can run through it, swing into it or slide through it.

The girls went tubing for the first time on Higgins lake!  They had such a great time.  Trinity and Lana went together and much slower than Skyla.  But, all of them had big smiles on their faces and wanted to go again.  Journey was so determined to get in too, so she got in...  and got back out.  That was enough for her.  Higgins Lake is a very special place for our family.

Swimming!  It is cold even in the hottest times, but it is so beautiful and clean.  I have been swimming here every summer since I was three years old and hope to until my great grandkids are three years old and beyond. 

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