Places To Go

Here is a great list of places to go that could be in any town or area.  Going out with your little ones, or your spouse doesn’t have to be expensive, just filled with fun, adventure, curiosity and maybe even some quiet and romance.

Out with the kids:

-         Warm Weather
o       Splash/Spray Park or Pool
o       Playground with a picnic
o       Putt-putt golf- be prepared to NOT have a serious game though.
o       Nature walk/ hike (even with small ones this is awesome and you don’t have to go far, but it starts their curiosity)
o       Take a walk in the downtown area of where you live
o       Baseball game
o       Farmers Markets
o       Outdoor concerts
o       Berry and Vegi picking at a u-pick place
o       Fishing
o       Watch planes fly over at a local airport
-         Colder Weather/ Fall and Winter
o       Sledding Hill
o       Pumpkin Patch
o       Apple Picking
o       Cider Mill
o       Ice skating inside or outside
-         Any Weather
o       Museum on free family days (if you end up going to a museum or zoo often it is wise to get a pass and go as many times as your little ones can go)
o       Zoo/ Children’s Museum’s on free family days
o       Free or Dollar movies in your area
o       Library- check for events
o       Bookstore- you can even get a small snack for a couple dollars and read lots of fun books.  They often have train tables and things in the kid areas.  You should check to see what events they have coming up as well.
o       Bowling/ arcade type of place
o       Pizza/arcade for lunch
o       Check to see if any churches in your area have a free indoor play area.  There is a GREAT one in Indianapolis area at Traders Point Church. 
o       Bounce places
o       Find a little play house in your area.  The kids can see shows for not that expensive and it is a neat experience for them. 
o       Fairs and festivals.  There is always something going on it seems, especially in the fall!
o       Find some gardens or nature centers that are part of a park in your area.  They often have free shows for the kids as well that feature animals and information about nature.
o       Play areas at some of the fast food chains can even be a good spot to land on a dreary day along with mall play areas.
o       Petsmart…   I know it sounds funny, but really it is like a little zoo for the kids and they love it.
o       Look at your parks and recreation information and see what they have to do.
o       Playdates with friends!!!  This is great for parents and kids and can be cheap!
o       Visit a parents work place.  This is always fun for the kids because they see their parents leave everyday to this elusive “work” place and they can check it out.
o       Get a little manicure with your little ones.  They are usually pretty inexpensive and you are paying for the experience.
o       Relatives house- you know grandma and grandpa want to see them!
o       Any creamery, or production companies that are in your area might have tours you could go on. 
o       Check into activities of your church, if you belong to one.  There is usually something going on. 

Just you guys:
-         Go out with some friends and have some adult time
-         Go on a romantic walk by the river/ canal/ or whatever you have near you
-         My husband and I like to walk through our collage campus together and talk about all those years ago.  J
-         Go dancing
-         Take a lesson together in something new
-         Just get drinks and dessert somewhere and talk
-         Go to an adult movie
-         Do a couples church activity
-         Work on a home improvement project together
-         Go to a playground at night.  It sounds silly, but swings bring out the kid in all of us!
-         Go see a play/ concert/ opera
-         Paint something together at a pottery place.  It does sound a little cheese bally, but you can create a pretty great thing when you don’t have little ones all over you.
-         Go get your pictures taken with just the two of you.  When was the last time there was just a picture with the two of you in it?
-         Couples massage
-         Pick your favorite restaurants and do appetizer, meal and dessert at a different one
-         Above all, just get out and do something to reconnect after all of the things that try and pull you in opposite directions.  You two are the center, and rock, of the family!!!

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