Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Get Ready, Get Set, GO!!!!!

I have never felt like I was put here to cower in a corner…to watch as the rest of the world flies by and waves at my idleness.  I am here, I think everyone is here, to experience this world and take risks and adventure.  Discover things, investigate, explore, smile and create relationships along the way.

This past August we went to a fundraiser event at the local airfield and there were planes everywhere!  All sorts of different looking designs and functionalities, but they all flew.  It was incredible. 

One small yellow plane caught my eye and looked like it was taking people for rides.  My eyes called to attention and I stayed there to find out how to do this.  As it turned out my personal excitement could rest because it was only for kids, but I called my 6 year old over and asked, very calmly, if this would be something she would be interested in.  I wanted her to make the decision without me pushing because she has been one to withhold from things in the past sometimes.  To my surprise she said yes before I could finish and there was no hesitation.  She marched up and stood in line with some neighbor friends of ours. 

The next turn was hers.  This little open top two seater was empty and beckoning her to climb aboard.  She stepped in, was strapped in, ear protection was placed on her little head and she gave a thumbs up.  “I am all ready to go mom!!!”  I swear it felt like I was sending her off to college.  “I have done everything I can do mom, I have all my safety equipment on and secure, I am ready, now let me go and see what is out there for myself”.  Dramatic, I know, but it is how I felt. 

We watched her take off and rise into the sky and loop around.  I lost her for a few seconds in glare and clouds, but then saw her again.  I was living every moment vicariously through my kid up there.  I prayed for safety and smiles.  The air on her cheeks was that that only the highest flying birds experience and the sun shone so bright on her up there.

The plane came in for a landing and stopped right before me.  Skyla had a HUGE smile on her face and her hair was in every direction.  She stepped off and said it was amazing.  I was so happy for her and proud of her for taking that chance.  Trin was very sad to find that she was still a little too small, but still reminds me that next time we go she will be able to go up if that man is doing rides again. 

We tell our girls that being shy won’t get them what they want in life because they are too afraid to ask for it, or ask for help, do the work or take the risks and LIVE.  We all have our own path and our own “choose your own adventure” story that we are in, even our children.  Make choices, fail and fail better next time, learn and grow.  If you don’t take that risk you may be missing out on something amazing and if you don’t let your kids step out there and take on some risk they could miss their flight of a lifetime too. 

1 comment:

Camille. said...

That is so totally awesome! Good for you. It sounds like an amazing time. Chuck flies a small plane (4 seater) so let us know if you ever want to go up. It's fun to see what you house and neighborhood look like from above. Love this post! Camille.