Friday, December 14, 2012

Glowing Memories

Our church held a beautiful service to pay tribute and honor those that could not be with us this year for Christmas.  

Names were written on slips of paper and pinned to wreaths at the front.  Many children were there pinning grandparents names, some mothers and fathers pinning their child's name along with wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, children, aunts, uncles and friends.  We were all there to just say we love you, we honor you, we thank you and we have not forgotten you.

My two cards held the names of both of my dad's.  My dad who passed when I was a child and my dad who passed just this year.  The relationships I carry with each of them is so different yet when coupled together on unassuming white slips of paper it is just, quite simply, my two dad's who, today, share a wreath with many other loved ones.

Songs from Heather Bays soothed and reminded our hearts and candles were lit to show their ever present light in our lives.  We also had a candle lit for Brian's grandfather, Bill Frohliger, who passed just about a year ago.  His name too hangs on those wreaths.

For all of you who have those you are remembering this holiday season, Merry Christmas to you and to them as well.  

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