Friday, February 8, 2013

Just for the Fun of Sick

It isn't often that the Harden House goes on Code Red Sickness Alert mode, but it does happen.  These girls hadn't gotten sick in maybe about two years, but this crazy Indiana nasty was everywhere!  Hospitalized neighbors, other neighbors that were the first documented Influenza A in the state, kids at school dropping like flies and at the stores and church and everywhere in between.

Skyla was the first to be hit and she had to miss two days of school!  That is more than she has missed in a couple of years!  The first day there was a lot of down time, movies and cuddles on the couch and the second day she was fine after 8:15am (yes, about ten minutes after the bus comes) and was bounding about and playing massive scale games of hide n seek, watching movies from the bath tub ( I might have created a monster with that one) and eating LOTS of plain Cheerios!  She is back to school and all is well.  I was hoping and praying that we were in the clear, but, alas, 3am rolls around and Journey comes in saying her belly hurts.  20 minutes later we have a mess.

Can someone tell me why the first time they never get in the trash can?

Ten minutes pass and Lana comes in saying her belly hurts.  Us seasoned parents that we are get into action with unspoken understanding.  Beds are stripped, trash cans in place, towels covering pillows, tissues accessible and laundry started.

We were good to go and we had another few hours of rest, or at least Brian did.  I was up and so I went to the gym and arrived at 5:05am.  It is unbelievable how many people are there then!

The girls are doing fine and eating up the "Sick SOP".  Blankets, couch and movies all day with food and drink when needed.

This one, Journey, is hilarious because she LOVES being sick!  I know.  Weird.  But, it happens so infrequently that she goes around professing over and over to everyone that she is sick and needs to sit on the couch and can NOT to anything else.  But, she will get up many times to tell people this.  
"Are you feeling any better Journey?" I ask
"Yes... NO!  I am NOT any better!  I am sick Mommy.  I am Sick!"  She said with a finger pointed and with the eye contact I could only hope for when I am trying to talk to her.
She is her own comedy show.

Yes, Lana still smiles when she is sick.  Not all the time, just when you look at her.  

Trinity, who has taken a pass on the "flu card" a few times now since she was an infant is just happy and taking in another movie day.  

I have heard some gnarly stories from people about what they are going through right now, so I feel blessed to just have a couple of days grounded and a little extra laundry with still smiling, eating and drinking kiddos.

Stay Well out there my friends!!! 

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