Friday, August 16, 2013

Monkey On My Back

This is how my days are spent this month.  When I am working, when I am cleaning when I am making meals or just trying to have a moment of quiet I have a monkey on my back!  This is sometimes figurative, but many times literal.

I have decided that this month of being home with my littlest of girls can either drive me to the nearest mental institution or it can be embraced.  To be completely transparent the result of each day lies somewhere in the grey middle ground.  Every task I try and accomplish takes at least four times longer than it would otherwise and so the many areas of work everyday seem endless.  If I could get a concentrated few hours in I would be available, and probably much less on the cranky side, to just BE with my children and husband.

So, this month when my three oldest are off to school all day and my youngest, who has always had sisters around her, relies solely on me for all entertainment, love, comfort and endless talk of the adventures of her imaginary friend Ian I find myself sometimes as high as a kite and sometimes ready to lock myself in a closet for a moment.  

I wonder what today will bring?  No doubt many Journey-isms, smiles, tears, laughter, fits, emphatic contradictions, determined 3 year old independence and fun.  My Journey, both in life and my daughter, are not for the faint of heart.  But, like with any great adventure there are challenges and great victories.

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