Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Did This Day Really Come?

This summer has been anything but boring.  In fact, it has been a constant whirlpool of mental strength and weakness with some emotional highs and lows, impatience, fun, frustration, laughing and an ever present lacking of TIME!  This day though, TODAY, is THE day.  The day that my youngest of the Harden Clan joins the school bound variety.  She will be going four mornings a week this year between two different schools.  

My happy dance I have been rehearsing in my head was more of a lousy shuffle as I let go of her hand and walked out the door this morning.  For every crazy she brings to me and this world she fortifies it with "Journey-isms" that only she can.  

Though this was a difficult morning (more difficult than I anticipated) this is such a blessing.  In the whirlpool of unbalanced life that we have been leading, where I am literally tugged in five or more directions at any given time, I can just be.  I can feed all of my others callings and responsibilities during this time and then devote my time to the five precious gifts I have been given in this life.  I am looking forward to uninterrupted, unencumbered, un-denied time with these girls again.  Maybe, just maybe, I can turn a corner and be that mom I always hoped to be because the crazy mama routine is for the birds!  Time to go and start working on that massive list. 

Happy First Day my BIG girl!

1 comment:

Indianalori said...

I found it disorienting at first, but then I came to a place where I could take care of myself again. I transformed back into a Lori I recognized, living a house that appears to be clean every now and then, and feeling that my cup has been refilled. Godspeed, my friend.