Thursday, July 10, 2014

Time Warp!

How can time pass so slow and so darn fast at the same time?  You hear it over and over as a kid, but never grasp its reality until it happens to you and you look back and wonder where in the heck your 20's went? Where the last year went?  (Didn't I just HAVE a birthday, like LAST month?)   Or even where your day went?

I see the time slipping, anniversaries gaining in number, kids growing and relationships growing stronger and closer with those friends who match my soul.  Some of those people I was fortunate enough to have from my beginning and some I have just met, but either way I want to take in the moments that are shared.

I see this hanging in my bathroom every morning...

Thank the Lord for this because there are some days I do not want to remember, but there are millions of moments that flood my head from my 35 years.  From the amazing to the ugly and the profound to the silly... they are the beautiful and unpredictable mess of me.  But, I am challenging myself to not let the days slip by any longer without at least one memory that I can grasp onto and take with me.  I have this in my kitchen now.

It is a great reminder to take the time and embrace the joy and bring that to the surface everyday!  Crush the busyness, the chores, the calls, the "to do's" and let joy reign to give way to a Happy Moment that I can take with me and stuff into my ever swelling change purse of life.  

Be happy my friends!

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