Friday, September 16, 2011


You came into our lives when I was only 14 weeks pregnant with our first child, on my birthday in fact.  You have been there to usher home our first born and have been covered in hair from our canine child.

You have watched us grow from unaware children to focused parents and blossoming adults.  This was your first home.
Since then we have gone from Chicago, to Bloomington, to Carmel, to Noblesville and a spot is always cleared for you.
You take care of us, shelter us, help us get to all of our vacations, play dates, schools, friends, errands and “just for fun” spots. 

You have made more room for our family as it grew and grew!

You have been a comforting and peaceful place for rest when needed.

You somehow create places to play in some difficult circumstances...

...and serve as a small home away from home.

You have held up beautifully during MANY LONG rides across the states.

You have been there to help our family enjoy time together and just relax for a while.

You have rarely complained in all our years together and been strong when we have always needed you.  Though you have had to be fixed more than a couple times from bumps and bruises you have protected us always.  So, as you pass through this momentous milestone, know that we appreciate you so much and we still need you for many more years to come!!! 

Thank you dear mini van of ours that we never thought we would have.  You have been a welcomed addition.

Your Family

1 comment:

Mandy said...

My Orange Beast is about to hit 107,000! Here's to our next 100,000!