Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Secret Recipe To A Clean House

Ok, it isn’t much of a secret, but I do get a lot of people asking me how I do it and I never have the time to really walk them through it at that moment.  So, here it is folks!

A couple of years ago, after listening to a couple of organizing and cleaning speakers, I started putting together my own cleaning plan.  I LOVE a neat house, but I did NOT like to put in the work.  The way we did it before was to pick a weekend, every two or three, and go at it and clean everything.  This took the entire day, the house reeked of chemicals and we were exhausted.  I would rather be stung by a swarm of bees honestly.  It was horrible.  Plus, when you have the daunting task of cleaning everything in a couple of days then those little nitty gritty things never get done because you have to do all the general things first.  By the time that is done you don’t want to clean that random high shelf that you only see from upstairs, or dust the ceiling fans and dust boards.  You just call it quits.

So, how about, instead of cramming all the cleaning into one, or two, days…  you stretch it out? 

“But, I don’t want to clean everyday!” you say. 

Well, who does?  But, I would rather clean for 15-20 minutes a  few days while the kids are finishing up breakfast or watching their half hour of morning tv, than to waste an entire day on it.  Especially a weekend!  Weekends are off limits for cleaning around here now, as are nights.  So, yes, this has gotten my husband out of the majority of cleaning responsibilities and so he loves the plan.  But, he does have one responsibility… even if he only does it about half the time he is supposed to.  It is his.

Since following this, my life has been ever so sweet… as far as cleaning responsibilities go anyway.  I never have to clean for guests because it is already done.  I don’t have the crazy “spring cleaning” because it is already done and I don’t have that looming “Cleaning Day” starring at me on the calendar or the pit in my stomach that would accompany it.  It is all good and planned out.

Please understand that all of this HAS to follow the declutter process I talked about in my last blog.  Without that this would take four times longer than it should. 

OK, so first, I broke down the tasks that need done everyday.  You know, those things that you are constantly doing and can’t usually go a day without. 

Then there are the bigger things that can be spread over a few days like changing sheets, vacuuming and dusting the house.

Finally, I broke my house up into areas.  I am a seven area gal.  I have the kitchen and laundry room, family room and office, playroom and living room, bathrooms, girls rooms, master bedroom and outside with garage.  Walk around each of your own defined areas and see what needs done from the general to the particulars.  Write it all down, talk to your husband about it to see if he has any input (if you want to of course!).  

This might sound like a lot, but take a week, or heck even two!  Just take your time and figure it all out.  This is what my final plan looked like a couple of years ago.

Daily Tasks
Laundry/ Dishes/ Trash/ Recycle
Make beds
Wipe down Kitchen
Wipe down Bathrooms (counters, toilets, mirrors)
Toys put away
Tidy up
Cat Litter

Weekly Tasks
Monday- Change all sheets
Tuesday- Dust horizontal surfaces throughout house
Wednesday- General Vacuum
Thursday- Mop Kitchen and Bathroom Floors
Friday- OFF

Area Maintenance (Focus on one area each week)
Kitchen/ Eating Area, Laundry Room:
1.        Clean lights, walls, fridge, switch plates
2.        Clean out fridge, microwave, oven
3.        Clean chairs
4.        Vacuum along ceiling, walls, island, blinds, ceiling vents, rugs
5.        Clean windows and sills
6.        Clean inside all drawers and cabinets
7.        Clean cabinet faces
8.        Scour sink
9.        Clean mudroom closet
10.     Clean knives on counter
11.     Clean all counter things
12.     Clean dog food and water bowl
13.     Clean leaf divide in table

Family Room/ Office:
1.        Dust all Surfaces
2.        Empty drawers/ cabinets and clean
3.        Empty shelves and clean
4.        Clean ceiling fan
5.        Vacuum floor, ceiling vents, blinds and couches
6.        Steam clean carpets if needed
7.        Clean TV and electronics
8.        Clean windows
9.        Clean walls, switch plates and all plates
10.     Dust baseboards

Living Room/ Play Room/ Foyer:
1.        Go through toys/ clean surfaces
2.        Go through all cabinets and clean
3.        Clean windows and sills, entertainment center and front door
4.        Dust all surfaces (horizontal and vertical)
5.        Clean all lights
6.        Clean baseboards and wall plates
7.        Spot Clean carpet, chairs and walls
8.        Clean ledge in foyer
9.        Dust Banister
10.     Steam clean carpets if needed
11.     Vacuum the floor pulling everything out, along ceiling, blinds, vents and chairs

1.        Scrub all tubs and sinks
2.        Empty all cabinets and drawers and wipe out
3.        Clean all mirrors and glass
4.        Clean all metal in Master shower
5.        Vacuum rug, ceiling, vents, blinds and floors
6.        Clean all windows and sills
7.        Clean toilets
8.        Dust all pictures
9.        Clean floors
10.     Clean walls and doors
11.     Clean master bathroom closet
12.     Clean all lights

Girls Rooms/ Landing
1.        Vacuum ceiling, blinds, floors, and vents
2.        Empty all drawers, cabinets and shelves and clean inside
3.        Clean baseboards, walls and switch plates with magic erasers
4.        Clean windows and sills
5.        Dust all surfaces
6.        Clean filters and fans
7.        Steam Clean if needed
8.        Clean all quilts

Master Bedroom and Closet
1.        Vacuum ceiling, blinds, floors and vents
2.        Empty all drawers, cabinets and shelves- organize and wipe out
3.        Clean baseboards, walls and switch plates
4.        Steam Clean if needed
5.        Clean windows and sills
6.        Dust all surfaces
7.        Clean all lights and fans
8.        Clean duvet cover

Outside and Garage
1.        Pull weeds
2.        Trim bushes
3.        Trim under swing set
4.        Clean up flower beds
5.        Put away all things out of place in garage
6.        Sweep garage
7.        Clean playhouse and picnic table

Now, over the years I have been able to streamline this.  On Tuesday when I do the general dusting of the house I also do the heavy and specific dusting for the specific area for that week.  The same goes for vacuuming, so I don’t have to get out the heavy duty vacuum over and over again.  We have a small multi-surface sweeper for the everyday.  I do most of this when my kids are up and it doesn’t take very long (about 15-30minutes), especially once you get a routine going. 
My husband is the one in charge of the everyday bathrooms.  This should only take about 5 minutes.  We keep a covered, discrete, toilet brush in every bathroom with a little bit of old shampoo always in the bottom.  The toilets are given a quick swipe and flush and done.  There is a bottle of cleaner and rags in every bathroom as well to make this easy as can be.  Spray, wipe, throw rag in the laundry and done! 
Laundry is a continuous project around here.  Get ready to gasp…  I do NOT separate my laundry!!!  I know, I know.  I actually got this tip from a maid I used to work with where I was a nanny back in the day.  She used the washing machine AS the hamper and when it was full you run a load.  It is awesome!  I have been doing this ever since I had my first washer.  Now, I do have to say that as a mother of four and always on the go I do not own the fanciest of garments and on the rare occasion I do wear something that needs special attention I give it it’s due pampering, but in general we just fill and go.  I always use cold water as well.  For energy and environmental reasons, and the research I read on the disillusioned benefits of hot vs. cold, it just isn’t worth it.  If I have something that truly needs hot, like sick clothes and blankets etc. that is the exception.
Making beds is simple at our home as well.  We all have a quilt and a fleece blanket under it that is just pulled up to be made and then the pillows put on there.  The fleece blanket and the sheets are what are cleaned every week and the decorative and special quilts are just done during their special weeks.

Every house is different and every person will have their own ways to expedite things that they find over time.  I have a host of little short cuts that I will share as time goes on, but I think this post is long enough today! 
I can really say that in about a half hour three days a week (excluding sheets day because I have to wait on the washer and dryer) I can have this house clean and presentable, but MOST importantly I feel free in it and don’t have the weight of the CLEAN on my shoulders.  My nights and weekends are free to enjoy family time without the stresses.

For all of those that have asked, and those that haven’t, I hope this can help guide you in the direction of cleaning freedom through organization and planning.

I mostly make all of my own cleaning supplies and next week I will share recipes with you and let you know where to go and how to use it.  There are endless companies and advertisements out there to lure you in many directions, but most of everything you need is probably in your kitchen right now!

1 comment:

pelsby said...

I remember that great program as well and adopted your suggestion to cut back on separating laundry back then. Every little change improves our lives. Thanks!