Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Miss Skyla

Miss Skyla
Teacher's Assistant

You know, when I was younger it was a huge deal if someone landed an internship in college.High School was an even bigger deal.  Well, Skyla is blowing me out of the water, as usual, and starting MUCH younger than myself. Leave it to my Sky, right?  Love this girl!

She was approached and asked if she would assist a teacher this summer in her Preschool Program.  Sky has been saying for over a year now that she wants to teach very young kids when she gets older and she is very good with her sisters.  She makes them multiple worksheets and has them work through things with patience and great explanation.  

We found out about this a couple of weeks ago and it took her all of a second to answer with an explosive "YES!"

It took Brian and I a little longer and we sat her down and talked about all the responsibilities and patience that comes with this job.  We talked about how she is there to help the teacher and not for herself at all.  Listening and responsibility were key, but she persisted that this was going to be the best thing that ever happened to her in her entire 7 years of life!!

She started last week and like any adult job, the first day was tough.  The kids didn't listen and cooperate as she would like and she had to ask for help, which she does not like to do.  But, there was no hesitation when I asked if she wanted to go back.  The teacher said she was wonderful and helped out a lot and would love to have her come back if she wanted to... and Skyla definitely wanted to.  

The second day was better and she is gaining more and more confidence as a "teacher's assistant" in the classroom.  The picture above was taken the morning of her first day.  Can you tell she is a little proud?  Yeah.

Well, if my second grader has an internship this year who knows what next summer will bring?  Business meetings? Starting a new business? World Travel?

Hold on, this little rocket is taking off!

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