Monday, June 18, 2012

Tower Garden Lives Up to Its Name!

I thought last week we had seen close to the "fullness" of the Tower Garden, but I was very wrong.  This week the Garden has grown and grown!

You can hardly see the tower anymore!  This is incredible and so fun to watch.  You remember those tiny zucchini I showed you last week?  Not so tiny anymore...

We will be harvesting them soon and having some much anticipated zucchini bread.  I will probably make some stir fry too.  hmmm...

This week I also harvested a bunch of Romaine and spinach from the tower.

The taste of these greens is so much more full than the taste of the organic romaine I buy from the store.  I did a side by side comparison too and you can see a huge difference.

The color of the Tower produce on the left is so much deeper!  I am so excited to harvest the tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers when they are ready!

(If you are interested in a Tower Garden, you can visit this link, or contact me on this site or through Facebook and I would be happy to get you set up with one of your own!)

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