Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Pressure Cooker Called Motherhood

How is it that the most rewarding job possible is also the most stressful!  I guess with great responsibility comes great reward, but this mamma could use a break!  

What do I need a break from though?

(Me after a day of stamping our concrete patio we put in this spring)

Yep!  Me.  I am the worst boss possible.  I expect nothing but perfection and when not delivered I seem to dwell in the shallow pool of discontentment instead of doing laps in the empty Olympic size pool of accomplishment right next to me. I know I am not an isolated case either.  On those rare occasions I get to sit and chat with other moms it is clear this is an epidemic!  

The summer projects, the finances, teaching the children, keeping the house presentable for our many guests a week, exercising, husbands work schedule, keeping up with my work schedule (which I am completely in control of, but LOVE what I get to do), three meals a day (Seriously!  Who decided we needed THREE meals a day?!), the shopping, volunteering, deadlines (both self inflicted and third party), QUALITY time with husband and children, Lions and Tigers and Bears!  Oh My!

But, everything all rolled into one kamikaze ball...  I love my life!  There isn't anything I would trade in for an upgrade.  I just need to be able to poke my head out and take a good look around more often.  

So, today fellow crusader moms with insane self management expectations, lets grasp onto some reality, give ourselves a pat on the back and go splash in that great pool of accomplishment with those we love. 

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