Saturday, June 22, 2013

Trying to Raise Givers in a "Getting" World

We live every day is a getting, grasping, "I want", "Give me" world.  It is increasingly harder and harder to raise children with a giving mindset.  Where along the road was entitlement born in replacement of work ethic and serving?  We just finished reading the entire series of Little House on the Prairie with our oldest daughter.  Those four girls, aside from intermittent spats with Nellie Olson, were kind and giving and understood that everyone contributed and worked hard for the family and others when they could.  

I would love to hear people's ideas about the evolution of entitlement and "It's Mine!"  

When did ME become more important than WE? 

Is it technology and evolution of machines to do our work, preoccupation with entertainment, our lifestyles being 1000 times faster paced than a hundred years ago or a combination of all of these?

 I am not perfect by any stretch and find myself thinking those "I deserve" thoughts too sometimes.  But, I try to make the next generation better than my own and the best way I can do that is through my children.  In our home we follow Christ and try to abide by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, but isn't that the foundation of the Golden Rule?  It is Golden for a reason!!!  

If you are in need, pride aside, wouldn't you feel amazing if someone stepped in and gave you a hand in whatever capacity needed?  You would because you would be reminded that you matter.  

We all need that reminder sometimes.


Trinity getting ready to donate her hair to those in need
chop, chop!
Beautiful and so happy!
"My Hair gets to be with someone else now!"

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