Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back to Reality... For Now

The school year, thanks to a newly imposed balanced calendar, creeped in, nested and burst forth before we could blink.
Every school year reinvents a new lifestyle for us and a whole new "normal" is presented.  Skyla is now is 3rd grade!  How did that happen?  She is in a whole new wing of the school with the BIG KIDS and this year will be another adventure.

My twins....  My Trinity and Lana who came out of the womb holding hands now go into this new chapter the same.  They will share a classroom this year and help each other round the sharp corners of social adjustment.  I put them to bed last night and tucked them in extra tight in hopes that the covers would keep them securely in this morning.  It didn't work.  They bounced out of bed with thoughts of buses, lunch boxes and new teachers dancing in their heads.  Big Sister Skyla even made their beds for them so "they could concentrate on what they needed to do."

Journey and I are the only two voices that fill the house right now and for the next month we will have adventures of our own.  She too will be starting a four day a week program after Labor Day and yet another new normal will be given to us.  One thing about parenting is that you are constantly changing and adjusting.  Maybe that is just life, but parenting seems to have its own exaggerated hue of spontaneity.

To all parents who had a big piece of their heart leave on a big yellow bus this morning and for all of us in the seemingly eternal dance of adjustment, I praise you today and we will raise our glasses and embrace it... albeit with a few tears along the way.


Anonymous said...

Another big day and milestone in the girls lives.

Lori said...

Love this!