Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sister Hugs

Every morning when three little girls are exiting the door for school there is a little voice that rings out, "Sister Hug!!!"

Journey runs out in the cold garage, usually still adorned in her morning hair and pajamas while chewing remnants of her half eaten breakfast, to pull all of her sisters together for one peaceful embrace for the day.  

You can say a lot about Journey and her seriously witty, sarcastic, loud, interrupting and explosive spirit.  But, you cannot ever deny the fact that that girl loves fiercely.  She is the one who goes around to every sister each night demanding, yes demanding, a hug and kiss.  She is strength in a tiny nearly four year old body and she will be the glue when this family predictably tries to fall apart every so often.  She can drive you mad and I am madly in love with her.

I pray my girls always share sister hugs and I know all of you out there who have grown daughters are laughing at my naive optimism right now and that is ok.  This island is comfortable and I will stay on it as long as I can and who knows... maybe I will be able to hang onto it.  I pray I can.

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