Friday, August 19, 2011

100 Things of Summer- Part One

Last summer the days and weeks went by and at the end I didn’t know where the time had gone.  I felt like we missed out on a lot of fun things we could have done as a family.  This year I was determined!  Starting at Spring break we, as a family, started making a list of “100 Things To Do This Summer”.  There was input by everyone and all ideas were at least considered.   We finally came up with our list and starting the first day of summer vacation, June 3rd, it was put on the fridge.  I think it was then that I realized there weren’t even 100 days of vacation over the summer!  It just seemed like such a nice round number that I took off with without thinking about it!  At first we were hasty with the smaller things and I tried to plan out the bigger ones. 

As the summer days passed I realized that some of them probably wouldn’t come to fruition and the planner, and lover of crossing off things on a list, in me shuttered at the thought. But, I have accepted that not everything will be done due to time and unfortunately not winning that small fortune I evidently had expected to gain when I created this list.  The whole idea of this, however, was not to feverishly run from one thing to the next, but to spend time with each other doing some awesome things.  Coincidentally, I planned this blog to start telling our story from June, our renewal month.  So the next couple of posts will take you through some of the highlights of our more creative and chaotic times of the summer. 

Berry picking!  Yum!  We went a couple of times and made some amazing jam for the first time.
They had a great time!  They really should charge extra for kids since they eat their weight in them out in the fields!


Horse show!  Very exciting for the girls to watch other little itty bitty girls on these horses doing jumps and tricks.

Breakfast outside every morning we could!  I LOVE it!!!


Helping Grandma Kathy and Grandpa gene build an addition onto their house for Great Grandma and Great Grandpa

Picking bouquets of wild flowers...

LOTS of painting...

Make a collage of things that make us happy...

Invent something!  This would be a "Spoon-Driver" used to mash up food for babies.  Brilliant!  I won't tell her there are mashers and food processors for that.

Have a bon fire!  Nothing like a huge fire and children walking around with great big pointy sticks!  We did forget to sing around the fire, which was another thing on our list.  Maybe next time.

S'mores...  I love this picture.  It seems like everything a great summer day should be.  Great eats, wet hair from the water and a great BIG smile.

Lots of hugs and cuddle time.

A jig saw puzzle for all of us to work on together.

Playing in the mister Brian made.


Creek Walks!  We found a lot of great things and cooled off after the hike.  I thought for sure we were getting poison ivy, but we made it through ok!

Making our own t-shirts!

Family Finger Painting...

Without this getting TOO long, I will end the first one there.  There is still so much more though!  It is hard catching up on an entire packed summer in just a few days time!

Happy weekend friends!!!



MOM said...

The picture of Journey at the berry picking place is PRICELESS!!! You did have a busy summer and made memories to last a lifetime. Next! :/

Indianalori said...

Looks like you did the list! Greg wants to offer his technical support for your blog if you need it, and by the way, I LOVE your colors out here!