Saturday, August 20, 2011

100 Things of Summer- Part Two

The summer was filled with so many amazing things.  There were some big things and some small, but we all learned and grew from each of them.  Here is a continuation of some of our smaller adventures.

Exploring our world and all it’s creatures…
Nothing like a good calf kiss from a 2 weeker...  SO precious!
Connor Prairie is always an awesome way to spend your day!

We are reading The Little House on the Prairie series right now and these are perfect!!! 

Neighbor Friend Sleepovers are always a summer must!

There was the fourth of July!

Two out of three isn't bad.  There were hugs!

and the Pledge of Allegiance...

A parade with sirens and candy and all the things a hometown fourth of July parade should have.
Can't forget the fireworks!!!  But, first a little snack! The fireworks were awesome and the girls were cracking me up with their ooohs and aaaaaah's!

There were also library visits, church activities, going to a movie theater (big stuff for this crew!), nature camps, outdoor concerts, farmer's markets, bounce houses, sister sleepovers, family cooking craziness, dancing in the rain, watching fire fly's, counting starts, putting on plays, pottey, reading LOTS of books, summer school and so much more.  We also had our two trips this summer and a few super exciting things that I will blog about later! 

It was nice to have this list over the summer and I know we will do again next year, (maybe with a few less things on it this time!).  It always gave us things to look forward to and I didn't have to stress over what to do with four kids by myself for two months.  Control your stress and chaos a bit and make an idea list for your family for summer, rainy days, school breaks etc.  and see if it helps you out when all those little eyes are looking at you saying "What are we going to do today?" or "I'm bored!".  I hope you had an awesome summer too and did everything you were hoping to!

This is our last weekend before school starts...  sigh...  Can't believe it is almost over.  But, we still have a couple days and we will make the most of them!

Go out there and have fun!!!

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