Saturday, August 27, 2011

MI Home

I sat down not to long ago and talked with Brian about all the different places I have lived in my life.  I started my life in Michigan.  There was Novi, Royal Oak and Troy.  When I was 17 I started college down in Bloomington IN at IU (I-U !!!).  Except for the first summer, I stayed there and became an adopted Hoosier.  Then it was North Carolina, then Chicago, then back to Indiana with a couple stops in each one along the way.  I think we are planted here for a while, but I can’t help but feel like Michigan is always home.  Whenever we cross over the border and see the welcome sign, an ahhhhhh... feeling comes over me and I am back.  The Great Lakes, the small lakes, the miles of pines Up North and the beauty of the Upper Peninsula.  There is Mackinac and the Dunes and peace in so many parts of the state. 

One of my favorite parts of Michigan is Higgins Lake.  When I was only three years old my mom and I drove around and found this set of two small cottages overlooking the crystal clear, spring fed, lake and she bought it.  I have been going to this place every summer of my life since and I hope to for all the summers to come.  This is a lake that you can see straight to the bottom at 30-40 feet deep right before the drop off when the color turns a brilliant blue.

It is quiet there; you can just sit and be with your thoughts if you want.  There isn’t urgency for anything and the sound of the boats and walkers and bicycles all day up and down the small dirt road play a humbling tune.  The deck that sits in the middle was built by my grandfather, who passed away in 2000, and is the perfect spot to read, talk, spot a neighbor for a conversation or just sit with yourself for a while.  Reacquaint yourself with yourself after all of the chaos of the day to day that you get lost in. 

(Journey catching up with Grandma and Grandpa)

There is games to play, water to be splashed in, adventures to go on and smiles to be expressed when you are up there.     

(playing cottage games)

On our trip up there this year we were able to see family, visit some new places and revisit some of those we love.  We laughed and had a great time.

Our first day we went to Tawas and visited with some family that was there camping.  It was great to play and catch up for the day.
(Uncle Dave with all of the little ladies)

(We were resting by the light house while the girls ate their push-ups.  WOW!  SO glad they were in their bathing suites for that one!)

(Grandma playing with the girls on Lake Huron)

(Hanging out in the shade)

Our day ended with driving back and resting AND getting ice cream for dinner!  This was another one of our things on our summer to do list.  Major hit by the way!
The next day we couldn't resist going back to the Dunes on the east side of Michigan.  They are so beautiful and just amazing to play on.  There is one tour that you can go on that takes you to picnic areas and some scenic stops along the way.  One of the stops has an incredibly steep drop all the way down to Lake Michigan.  Last year I attempted and succeeded at going down (taking about 2 minutes) and back up (about 20 minutes).  It is so hard, but I couldn't pass up the chance to do it again this year and it was easier thank goodness!  Brian and the girls cheered me on from the observation deck above.

There I go! It is about 400 feet down!

I am somewhere on there trying to climb back up!

I made it and then the whole family went to the dune hill and we climbed to the very top of the highest hill.  Lana was leading the charge and kept saying "I am going to keep going!".  I wasn't about to stop a girl on a mission.  I am sure people thought we were crazy.  I was carrying Journey up a sand hill that 3/4 of your step you loose when sliding back down and dragging Trinity with me.  With all of her attributes, physical toughness is not one of them right now.  After we soaked in the moment on the rocks and trees at the top we headed down.  Brian helped Trinity on the way down and the sheer terror that girl felt when she saw the downward path produced a glass shattering scream that lasted the entire way down.  There might have been some looks at the two of them and probably some phones picked up ready to call 911, but all was good. 

We traveled back to the cottage and rested and swam and played. 

I can't wait to go back to Higgins Lake again next year and see what adventure awaits.  No matter where I live, Michigan will always hold a piece of my heart.


MOM said...

Great Blog today!! It makes me so excited that I am going back up on Thursday for the big labor Day weekend. Party in the streets with live music and lots of warm sunshine before fall kicks in. We will probably go up one more time and then it will be closed for the winter, only to await our return on Memorial Day weekend. This our 30 year anniv. year of having the cottage. A great 30 years it has been.

MOM said...

Just as I posted the last comment I remembered a sign that we have in our cottage it reads.... Though I have traveled from East to West, my old log cabin is still the best. I thought this summed up your blog today. I have traveled from New York to California, from The upper penninsula to Florida and yes, the old log cabin IS still the best.

Corinne Lee said...

The beginning of your post made me tear up, I miss home!
The blog is great Nellie!