Thursday, October 27, 2011

Investing in Us

What does your portfolio look like?  Aside from the fact that no ones is pretty these days, is there growth where you would want it?  Are you investing in what you need so that your future days are comfortable? What do you need in that future you have cozied up in the corner of your mind? A nice little home? Vacation home? The sports car that you never could have during the family years???  That is all well and good, but if you don’t have anyone to share those with is it all worth it?  Will you feel a great sense of accomplishment that lasts longer than ten minutes?

A while ago a friend was speaking to my husband and said “I don’t know what it is about your family.  The only word that can come to my mind is invested”.  I chewed on that conversation for a little bit after my husband told me and so many wheels started turning.  Yes.  Invested. 

I honestly don’t know the first thing about stock portfolio’s, but being invested in my family I hold an honorary degree in.  We are invested in each other.  My husband and I are not only parents here, but we are part of a whole of six people living here together.  We all have to work together and use respect, honesty, understanding and commitment to the well being of our family as a whole and as individuals.  When you are making an investment you want only a positive outcome right?  No one puts money in the bank to loose it.  In the same way you have to play your cards right as a parent in order to get the best results for your family.  Your marriage and your children need to be set up for success and not only short term, but for the long term. 

I am invested in teaching my children the proper and respectful way to live in this world, EVEN when others are not respectful of you. 
I am invested in helping mold my children’s, and my own, spiritual growth so they understand their part in this amazing, and sometimes scary, world.
I am invested in teaching my children all that I know and more so they will surpass my knowledge and grow richly as the next generation. 
I am invested in being an example for my children.
I am invested in my marriage and all the twists, turns and tumbles it has through all the decades and beyond.
I am invested in being with my family and a part of as much as I can, but giving space when needed to those that are ready and need to experience things for themselves.
I am invested in… my family.

The chaos rings throughout the house both days and nights, but when you have the basic truth and promise of investing yourself completely in what you are doing it makes the tasks that much more important no matter how profound or menial it is.

There is a plaque that sits on my windowsill, next to the cup I wrote about in August (My Cup is Overflowing), that my sister in law gave me.  It reads “To be in your children’s memories tomorrow you have to be in their lives today.”

I love this and how true it is.  You are not a babysitter or the person that only does the dirty work.  You are their guide and advisor, teacher and example.  This job never ceases, but merely changes face over the many years.  Children never stop needing the parent that cares.  I, for one, know that this parenting has no boundaries.  Distance, time, life and even death are not boundaries that exist in a family. 

Life is messy, marriage has it’s messy times, parenting for sure has its messy moments, but it all comes together and is all worth the investment you put in at the end when you are surrounded by the love and teachings that you gave the world, starting with your family.

I am all in, and I hope you are too!

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