Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Snow White, A Cat, A Giraffe And Whatever The Little One Won’t Pull Off!

What crazy family would put these four things together?  Us of course!  When it comes to Halloween I am as simple as you get.  I know there are many out there that make their kids costumes starting the day after the fourth of July, but I am not one of them…  not to say I haven’t been caught jealous seeing those crafty moms with their beautifully, and creatively, adorned children.  We do not do too much as far as decorations either.  We have a scarecrow, some lights, a witch on the door and the last minute carved pumpkins.

(These were Brian's masterpieces.  Everyone submitted their sketches to him via paper or ipad app and he carved away.  It was a two hour process...yep, his hand was sore.  This, of course, was done on Sunday)

With Birthdays coming out of our ears in October Halloween always seems to creep up us.  Then the Halloween party lists at the schools are sent home and we are reminded to get our tails in gear because the day is coming, ready or NOT.

(This is Trinity and lana's school party that Journey was invited to.  This was their Halloween-take one princess costumes)

So, what do you really need for Halloween when you peel it all away?  A costume, candy to give out and a sac to get the candy that you collect, right?  Or, if you don’t have kids then you just need a costume and plenty of alcohol probably.  Those days are way behind and ahead of me, so I won’t pretend to be an expert there.

Being in a house with four little girls we have an entire overstuffed bin of dress up clothes and my kids just think it is awesome to go and pick some funny outfit and wear it outside.  They couldn’t be happier and well, me either!  The outfits that Trinity and Lana have on have been their costumes now for three years because they LOVE them.  Trinity would wear a cat costume everyday of her life if she could and Lana thinks dressing like a giraffe is awesome.  Skyla adores the new Snow White dress and held onto it since her birthday.  Then there is Journey.  Journey usually keeps dress up things on for about 1-2 minutes before asking to take it off, but this skirt (as long as it doesn’t touch her belly) she will wear all day.  So, skirt, colorful sweater some face paint and she is good to go as a cute… little… wingless… fairy… girl.  Sure that is what we will call it.

For a bag you can use just about anything from the classic plastic pumpkin container, to a pillow case.  Your choice.  We had some pumpkin bags, but they are a little harder for the little ones to open and so I think I will get the bins next year.

(Journey was a trooper and walked/ran all around with her sisters for over an hour.  By the last stretch she was feeling it, but she didn't want anything to do with me carrying her bag for her.  This is another reason we need new sacs for next year...  we had quite a few small holes when we got home.)

So, now that costumes and bags are done, we need candy.  The trick to candy, IF you don’t want to be sitting there eating it yourself, is to buy stuff you don’t like.  Suckers are a good buy too because then it takes a bit longer (and you can get organic and more healthy ones…  just throwing it out there) and so you aren’t stuffing yourself.  With four kids collecting I know there will be plenty to go around when they come home.

(Trick or Treat!!!)

We trick or treat earlier when the sun is up and then eat dinner afterwards when the rest of the trick or treaters come to the door.  This is a perfect system to quickly go through all of the candy, keep what you want and redistribute what you don’t.  That way you are left with a basketful of what you will actually eat.  Freezing the chocolates is a great idea too. That way you have longevity of the candy and you don’t have to stare at it for weeks.  A garage freezer is great for this because then it is even out of the main house, but nice to pull out every once in a while for a treat.  If you are stuck with a bunch, you can give it to a food pantry for donation, return unopened bags to the store if you kept your receipt, or sell it to an area dentist for them to then send overseas to the troops.  You can find dentists by going to http://www.halloweencandybuyback.com . 

(Trinity's loot)

All in all, you just want the kids to have a great time using their imaginations, running around from house to house, not minding sidewalks for once, and getting more candy than they know what to do with.  It is all about quantity on Halloween for the kids, the quality is your job as parents to figure out.  Splurge after the collection, but not to the point of revisiting the candy later, and then teach them about rationing out pieces to make it last and to be healthy about it. 

We spent our evening with some great friends and ended with our tradition of delivered pizza.  We only get it once, maybe twice a year, so it is an event here.  Costumes off, faces washed, pajamas on, teeth extra brushed and a quick story for all four at the same time tonight!

Goodnight girls, goodnight Halloween.  See you again next year…

1 comment:

Mandy said...

My bad! Lana was a giraffe!!! I knew I saw a kitty when I scanned quickly! It sounds like a wonderful Halloween was had by all!