Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Favorite Day

Everyday of the week holds its own special title.

Mondays are usually Manic (yup, the Bangles nailed that one!)

Tuesdays are Turbulent around here because that is a big clean day and everything from Monday you couldn't accomplish ran over into Tuesday and looks like the sludge on the side of a river bank you do not want to touch after a flood.

Wednesdays are always Welcomed because it is the middle of the week and things just might be manageable that day.

Thursdays are Thankful because I finished the house cleaning every and do my little victory dance since I have conquered the house for another week and we have the weekend within our grasp!

Fridays are Freestyle.  No homework (hip hip hooray!!!!), the beginning to either a relaxing couple of days (yeah right!) or at the very least, usually the start to some fun and mischief of some kind.

Saturdays are usually a Sprint.  One activity followed by another and some jogging may be involved in between.  Racing to be everywhere on time and hopefully not forgetting anything, or anyone.  But, it always ends perfectly with church and dinner out.

But...  Sundays.  Ahhh, Sundays.  These are my Serene, Smooth, Still, Scrumptious days.   We wake up and stay in our pajamas.  Brian starts the pancakes from scratch while the music starts and the girls start to play.  After feasting on the best pancakes EVER!  (Seriously) We pull the ottomans over to the couch, set up the comfy blankets, pile in and watch a movie together.  I don't move for two hours and I am under a pile of kiddos.  It is the best.  After some showers and a quick lunch, since we are still very full from pancakes, we all head to bed for a nap.  It is a Harden rule that everyone naps on Sundays!  That is etched in stone and can not be changed- sorry.

Sunday nights our Life Group gathers at our home and we eat more, laugh more, watch the girls do crazy and silly things and we delve into our faith, understand, friendships and respect for one another.  Then it is bed time.  Usually a little late, but it is all good.

Everyday of the week has a title, but Sundays are my favorite.  How about you?

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