Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Razzle Dazzle

It is NOT often that a mom of four little ladies gets to get dressed up.  Really dressed up I mean, without going into the bottomless "dress-up" bin.  Getting a decent set of clothes and making sure I am not stepping out of the house wearing slippers or still adorned with Barbie crowns and butterfly barrettes is usually the more realistic goal.  But, for this one night, at Brian's work party for Exact Target, I was able to really dress up...  adult style.

Now, when you take three little girls shopping with you the day of the event, cart them around three different  stores for three hours, impede on their nap-time and end up feeding them lunch at the bookstore, you might think you are loosing your mind.  I thought I would, but it was actually a fun, but utterly exhausting, time.  The girls loved helping mommy get things to dress up.  There was carefully child selected dress choices, fashion shows and a trio of judges.  So, of course, I ended up with the most glittery, razzle, dazzle dress we could find paired with fun shoes, earrings and bracelet.  When I came downstairs they literally gasped.  It was a fun mommy moment.

Thanks to Papaw and Grandma we were able to go.  Even though Brian's dad was facing kidney stone surgery this week he was determined to not only watch our girls at the house, but my two nieces as well since my sister in law had asked us months ago to watch her girls so they could go to a wedding.  So, we set off and left them with six excited little girls between 7 and 3 years of age!!!

Brian escorted me to a great venue downtown called The Crane Bay and we had an incredible time meeting people, dancing, eating, drinking, and just being a part of such an Orange atmosphere of creative and motivated people.  It was such a fun night.  It isn't often that Brian and I get to get out and it is such a reminder of the "us-ness" of us.

When my feet simply could not function properly any longer we called it a night and made it home to find all the girls still awake on movie number three and ready for some sleep.  All six girls nestled into the twins room for one late night.

Well...  some of them.  Journey, the YOUNGEST, was awake until about 12:30am declaring her un-sleepy state.  That girl!

shhhhh...   The others were fast asleep when we went in the last time.

Great night for everyone.  Thank you to Grandma Vickie and Papaw for helping us all out and the girls loved it!

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