Friday, August 12, 2011

Hello World... It's ME!!!

This is my FIRST blog post on my very own blog!  Yay!  Let me start by telling you a little bit more about me (more than the character limit on the side bar allowed anyway).  I am a very happily married woman with four awesome daughters that make me laugh everyday.  I love life, adventure, exploring, reading and writing, talking with friends and helping out wherever I can.  I try to take in every moment and learn something because there is always something to be learned. 

While all that I just stated is true, it is also true that it is all HARD work, exhausting, many times thank-less, overwhelming and just plain CHAOTIC!!!  But, over many years of molding, trials, self reflection and change I have been able to consolidate my chaos.  Each role I play has its own set of rules, obligations and time commitments and if you lump them all together you just get a giant multi-colored play dough ball that can be squashed and destroyed easily.  But, if you have each one in its own little container that can be opened when needed and shut when not then you might find time to take that deep breathe you have been missing for so long.  The cleaning, the cooking, the children, the spouse, the work, the volunteering in various places and whatever else you have going on in your life doesn’t need to leave you with your head spinning.  You can tame the beast and realizing what is truly important in your life and sticking to that more than anything will help you in your everyday.

I have so many ideas (really… pages!) of things to write about on this blog that can hopefully reach out and help someone through their day.  I didn’t know it, but I have been preparing for this blog for many years.  I hope to spread some laughter, guidance, inspiration, peace, comfort, information, ideas and smiles through this and I am happy to have you along for the ride.  Spread this site to all you know out there who might have those crazy days that could use some organizing and consolidating.

Remember…  life is easy, managing life is not.


Brian said...

This is fantastic! I'm so excited that others, besides me, will get to hear what you have to say. Congrats and I love you!!!

Mandy said...

I am going to have to print them all and read it like a book!!! I may have no children, but I think Louie would look good in an onesie!