Monday, August 22, 2011

Our Escape

Months and months of hard work, chaotic schedules, unexpected dramas, over scheduling and under rest creep up on you and you don’t even know how much your body, mind and soul need to escape until you finally do. 

This small island in the southern part of North Carolina is where we call "Our Escape".  Oak Island is a place that isn’t flashy or pretentious, but instead it is elegant in simplicity.  We go there to be reminded of life and the gift we have been given.  We go to witness those mysteries that we are just to delight in and not to understand.  The cadence of the waves lapping the shore and the rhythm of the tide going in and out and in and out put me at ease.  The world goes on, and goes on beautifully, without the lunch calendar being perfect, without the house being spotless, the last email being returned or even the last show being watched on the DVR.  It doesn’t matter there.  The only thing that matters is us.  Our family being together and enjoying all those moments of silliness, smiles, quiet looks and holding on to one another. 

We were headed to this very place this summer in mid June.  We NEEDED it.  With our lives right now we have only been able to go on a vacation about every two years and this was a very busy couple of years with moving, a new baby and a string of other entangled events.

We were driving, of course, because flying this crew of six would require Donald Trump’s backing these days.  An eight hour car ride with four young ones is interesting to say the least, but we did it with a lot of singing, movies (hey, it was mostly veggie tales at least!) and sporadic sleeping.  The mountains were gorgeous and when we stopped in Ashville, NC for the night we were ready for some rest.  We went to dinner at some Mexican place by the hotel, which is never a good idea by the way!  We had a wait and so we sat… again!  After dinner we went back to the hotel where Journey graced the walls with a Monet in red crayon and we had to use some elbow grease from the both of us to get that off.  I am not sure what the people on the other side of the wall thought was happening over there.

The girls had a movie night because when you are sticking six people in one room for the night that have varying sleep needs a movie is a great buffer for everyone.  The next morning the continental breakfast was awesome!  I always stay at Comfort Inn Suites because they have great complimentary breakfasts of waffles, pancakes, cereal, muffins, bagels, bread, yogert and all the drinks you could think of for breakfast.  It is a nice free breakfast for six people!

Anyway, another eight hours of fun later we are THERE!!!!!   As soon as we cross the bridge the windows go down, whatever form of entertainment that is on is turned off and we just take in a deep breath.  Anyone who follows my blog knows what happened next.  We found our vacation house and jumped out without hesitation, almost forgetting to turn the van ignition off.  We ran out to the water as fast as our atrophied legs would take us after two days in a packed car and we cheered, danced and leaped around.  We watched the waves, the pelicans and the birds.  We smelled the salt of the ocean, felt the sun on our faces and just smiled.  It is awesome!

My mother-in-law, Brian’s step dad, my sister-in-law and nephew all joined us with four large Labradors, Bella being one of them.  We stayed in a four bedroom house there on the beach where a small dune in front of our stairs was the only thing holding back the high tide.  During low tide we had football fields of sand to play on and the girls covered all they could.

We spent days playing in the waves, napping and eating.  We renewed our vows there for our ten year anniversary, which you can read about in my previous blog titled “Renewal”. We spent other days going to aquariums, via ferry boat, and Myrtle Beach to visit the more frenzied crowds. 

More than anything we spent time together; Brian and I, us with our girls, the girls with their grandparents, the girls with their Aunt and everyone with my nephew because he is 14 and at that age of solitary confinement when it comes to anyone older than him.  We were able to see him and get to know him and he is an awesome kid filled with all the quirks and insecurities of every teenager out there.  We were all there, we know…  but, they don’t know we know!

I was NOT ready to leave when that next Saturday came.  I could have stayed at the beach all summer and maybe even longer.  The ocean breathes life into me and it always has, but for my whole family it was an escape from the days and chaotic ways of home.  This was an escape that was needed and deserved by all who shared it with us. 

Do you have an escape? A place that you love?  It doesn’t have to be so far away as long as it refreshes you and lifts you so that you can give your all in the best possible way.  I hope you do and I hope you can go there soon!

Happy Travels Friends!


Indianalori said...'s my 2nd home. I was a nurse on the island and lived in a large old home next door to the hospital. I've always returned there when I need to hit the restart button on life. In fact, I was there shortly before meeting Greg. Should I ever be a rich old lady, I'll retire there in my summers, growing roses, and walking along Surfside beach.

MOM said...

Our cottage on Higgins lake is my escape. This year we celebrated our 30th year of ownership and fun on the lake. I camped there every summer when I was young and vowed to one day own a cottage there. My dreams came true and when we walk in the door it is like we never left. We go again next week....and I can't wait!!

CorinneK said...

Mine would have to be anywhere by the ocean. That is the most beautiful thing in the world! I even have a tattoo of it on my foot :) I would also say the cottage on Higgins Lake. It's a place to get away from all the stress of work/life and enjoy family.