Thursday, August 25, 2011

Saddle Up

For Skyla’s 6th birthday this year we didn’t want to give her toys or clothes or something that is awesome for a second and then tossed to the side for the next moment’s interests.  I have always been a fan of giving someone experiences as gifts like a dinner out to connect, a promise of some time together or the gift of adventure and activity.  So, this year we bought Skyla horseback riding lessons for the summer.  She had been excited to go to a friend’s birthday party last year and ride and also those random fairs and things when you pay an astronomical fee for some poor pony soul to walk around a pole once always seemed to excite her.  She was very happy when she opened the envelope and couldn’t wait for her first one, even though it was a couple of months away.

The day came back in July and we went.  It was the four girls and I and this place was so far and out in the middle of nowhere that it felt like an alternate universe and in many ways it was.  Suburbia to farm country.  We stepped out and went into the facility.  There were horses everywhere and the neigh’s reverberated all around.  Journey was so shocked and excited she could just jump up and down and neigh herself.  Skyla was taken back to start her lesson. 

We went to an air conditioned observation room (thank you air conditioning) and watched.  She walked her horse “Foxy” out and got up there like a trooper.  I didn’t know what to expect…  fright, tears, hesitation???  But, there was none of that.  She got up there and started off on the horse and walked a few laps around the BIG arena by herself.  Part of me wanted to leap through the glass and hold on to her, but the other part realized that she is growing up and these experiences are amazing to her.  The more things she can experience now, at home and away, the more she can take out into the world with her.

I was very proud.  She had now surpassed anything I have ever done on a horse.  You go

Her sisters were able to spend more time with horses than ever before as well.  Petting, watching, feeding and “riding”. 

They taught her all sorts of things that I will not pretend to fully understand.  She did English and western style, she trotted and posted, she did obstacle courses and a lot of balancing work.  It was fun to watch her go through all of the lessons and see her grow during them over the summer.  So, Thanks Foxy, Marge and Lucky for your time this summer.
Do I think she will ever be in a show or do this for a living? No.  But, does she now have more confidence up there and in other areas of her life because she did this?  Probably.  Birthday present well received…

1 comment:

MOM said...

She has more guts than Grandma...that's for sure!! When I was young and we would go horse back riding I would always ask for the slowest and oldest horse. I knew that I would be OK. Good going Sky:)