Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When did this happen?

When did the little baby girl I gave birth to six years ago grow up? 

When did she trade in her mumbles for words and then sentences and now conversation? 

When did her tousled tresses become flowing locks of gold that are pinned back in just the right way?

When did the chubby cheeks I couldn’t stop kissing become the beautiful face of a little woman?

I don’t know where any of the time went, as I sit here after she has left for her first day of FIRST GRADE!

It is a stark reminder of the limited days we have with our children to teach them the ways of life, the best we can, before they venture out into that world on their own for good.  Part of her is already out there.  She has her own little life at school that we are not a part of from 8am-3pm everyday.  I just pray that she has the strength and courage to take chances with people and obstacles, but also the obedience and manners to get through the days graciously.  All we can do as parents is our best.  Give them a good example and in those moments we don’t, to confess that we could have done better and we will do so in the future.  We are all just people, humans, even parents, even our parents.

To my beautiful Skyla I love you more than you know my sunshine and you were the first answer to Daddy and I’s fairytale coming true.  Go out there and learn, be adventurous, make friends, create and have FUN!!!

Happy first day of First Grade!!

Her very Own locker!
A desk with her name on it!  I am sure it will be very organized knowing Skyla.
So excited!
(That's right!  It is all about the purple leopard print this year.  Grandma Kathy will be so proud!)


MOM said...

She looked SO cute and very excited!! Have fun Skyla and make many new friends along the way. Remember what you have been taught the first six years and you will do just fine. We are all thinking of you today here in Michigan and hoping that today will be a memory that you cherish all your life. Grandma remembers her first day of first grade. It was a blast!!! WE LOVE YOU SKY....

Gretchen said...

this one almost made me cry as I sent my tall handsome 2nd grader off to school yesterday. where did that little boy with the fat chubby legs and cheeks that you just wanted to smooch go? It all goes by too fast, and there isn't a thing I can do about it.

Brian said...

Seriously? I go all day without getting sentimental. I drop her off in class and see her at her desk as I walk away and am just fine. Then I read THIS and get all teary-eyed. Thanks babe!!!

Mandy said...

I simply loved the whole process of getting supplies and new clothes for school! How exciting for all of you!