Saturday, December 24, 2011

Marshmallows Roasting on an Open Fire…

My husband decided he wanted to start a new Christmas tradition of having a night by the fire.  Mind you, we have never successfully started a fire at our house because the one attempt made a couple of years back resulted in a house full of smoke and alarms going off.  But, with the chill outside and the holidays settling onto us he wanted to try again. 

The wood came in, the metal screen screeched as Brian slid the normally sedentary pieces over and he set the wood on the virgin rack.  With a deep breath he turned on the gas and lit the fire.  A fireball, as large as the fireplace opening itself, swallowed the air with a sound like I would expect out of a large fire breathing dragon.  He quickly turned the gas down a bit and then checked to make sure his eyebrows and arm hair were in fact still there.  The fire quickly turned into the serene background that it should be and the kids settled around. 

There were marshmallows, cups of home made hot cocoa with even more marshmallows, Frosty the Snowman, warm toes and lots of warm hearts.  It was a very fun and very late night for all of us.

May your holiday season be filled with love, happiness, family, friends, old traditions and new found hopes. 

No matter what you celebrate this time of year may it be joyful! 

1 comment:

MOM said...

Merry Christmas Harden Family. Looks like a fun time spent around the fire.