Sunday, May 6, 2012

I Officially Have a Seven Year Old

It’s true.  I have a SEVEN year old.  How did seven years pass by so quickly?  After the first celebration at SkyZone, the second one at a grandparents house, our celebration at home on her birthday and the one up in Michigan (whew!) it is official.  She is, indeed, seven. 

This turn of age has brought on some changes in our little girl.  She told me now she is a “young lady” and must act as such.  There are robes now, privacy is demanded and she needs to have things, and do things, that are age appropriate to Skyla’s standards.  I love her, but I will admit that even though her maturity has changed on some planes… not all “platforms of Skyla” have matured at the same rate.  In time, in time. 

She had to wear a dress to school that day and her sisters and I joined the class for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  It was the only thing she wanted to bring in, which was awesome because it was easy enough to do.  They are pretty amazing cookies though.  Then it was her choice for dinner and she picked the highly posh and exclusive Noodles and Co..  I think they put some addictive additives in their mac ‘n’ cheese.  We do not eat a lot of Dairy anymore, but Manzanita do they have a truckload when we go there! 

“What kind of dessert do you want for your birthday sweetie”, says me. 

“A GIANT rice crispy treat please, with a hole for a candle of course!” she dramatically replies. 

We finished the night at a screening of “Milk Donor” where we were able to be a part of something bigger than us and showing the world the benefits of human milk donation.  When it was time for me to get up there in front of everybody and speak she was so excited.  Her excitement equaled my nervous hesitancy I think.  But, it was great and they did so well in the theater for an hour of questions and answers. 

She is one amazing seven year old and this year has a lot of change in store for us all.  She is excited about what is to come in her seventh year though.

Things Skyla is into as she turns seven:
-         BARBIES-  This girl can NOT get enough of them.  Her role play with these dolls is so intricate and the story lines are so imaginative.  I love to hear her play.
-         She is saving to buy herself her first American Girl Doll.  She is almost there and she is very proud of herself.  
-         She loves reading and being read to.  She is in the middle of Black Beauty on her own and we are reading the Little House series and she is reading Matilda with her sisters.
-         Her privacy is key right now.
-    Her clothes.  She is starting to really care about what she is wearing.
-         She loves writing songs and stories and doing crafts.
-         Valentine the rabbit is still a required friend at night and she has had him since she was nine months old.  I love that rabbit every bit as much as she does. 

Happy Birthday my sunshine!!!!  Let’s see what seven brings us!

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