Tuesday, May 29, 2012

There She Grows!!!

This was taken yesterday on the 3 week birthday of the Tower Garden!  Since then there has been even more growth!  Next week I will have a side by side comparison with our traditional soil garden that is growing the same vegetables.  There is no real competition here folks.  It is a clean sweep and Tower Garden is gearing up to take home the trophy.

The progress of our vertical play toy has been phenomenal!  The huge broad leaves of the zucchini and cucumber and the large romaine leaves are beautiful.  Our tomato, pepper and herb plants are reaching their leaves outward and upward! We did, unfortunately, loose one of the transplanted strawberry plants though.  I am guessing we hurt something in transport.  But, there was another tomato plant eager to take the spot!  There will be loads of fresh pasta sauce here this summer!  Sliced tomato, gazpacho and whatever else I can find to make with tomato's!

Dr. Mitra Ray, PhD., has a great article on the this garden that has answers to four frequently asked questions and can be found here .  For those that would like something to listen to in the car or while making dinner here is an excellent webinar with the creator of the Tower Garden, Epcot's own Tim Blank, that gives a wealth of information and explanation.  .  

Until next week!  Happy Gardening!

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