Friday, May 4, 2012

She Did It!

Drum roll please……  My sister is now a Masters Grad in Counseling!  Go Corinne!  It was a bitter sweet time this past weekend when we traveled to Michigan to celebrate and support my sister on her graduation day just weeks after dad passed.

Michigan, not being any more reliable than Indiana with weather, was forecasted for possible snow the morning of her OUTDOOR commencements. 

“Were we wearing shorts last week?” 

“Oh YES, we were!” 

“Are we seriously packing winter coats and gloves?” 

“YES we are!” 

That is pretty much how packing went Friday morning.  But, we were ready for a blizzard.

The snow held off on Saturday, thank goodness, and we all enjoyed her ceremony…. while wearing winter coats and under a pile of quilts.

The bagpipers came, because who doesn’t have bagpipers at their commencements? 

Then the graduates flowed in after them. 

When you have a keynote speaker, Deans speeches, a long list of PhD students announced with their 27 word long thesis titles, Masters recipients and four little girls sitting quietly (bless their hearts), you have to pull out some mommy magic.  We had a bag of their Leapster Explorers (all four love them!), some dolls and snacks and drinks.  But, at some point we ran out of incentives and the natives were getting a little restless.  We also have a two year old who is a new potty goer and long periods sitting down make me a little nervous.  So, we took advantage of the huge hill right behind us and the girls had a blast.

My sister was announced and accepted her graduate diploma!!!  Mom brought a cow bell to symbolize dad cheering in the audience with us. 

Corinne throws a kiss to heaven for dad, knowing that he is proud too.

At the end we took the obligatory pictures that we all need to look back on one day and remember when. 

Aunt and Nieces


Aunt and Uncle

Mom and Daughter

Crazy brother-in-law


awww...  had to include this one.

We were all there for her.  It was a good day, a memorable day and now she is free to start her career and move on with her life in a whole new way.  Good job Corinne!

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