Monday, November 28, 2011

The 3 Week Shuffle!

Now the kick off Thanksgiving feast is over, the big guy has officially come to town (even if he has been hanging out at some stores and shopping centers since before Halloween!) and we have 3 weeks to get our things together.  It is only those three little calendar weeks before most schools let the kids out for the rest of the year and the holiday dance kicks into full swing.

During these few weeks we have a house to decorate, holiday cards to be created, numerous school holiday functions to attend, bake for and/or volunteer at.  There are company parties, family events, church functions, and themed playgroups to host and go to.  The holiday theater events, choirs and concerts to attend with family members dressed to impress.  All of this AND we have gifts to buy and make and wrap and give. 

This list only takes us to the week before Christmas.  It is enough to send any sane person off the edge, but chaos as it may be is trimmed with holiday spirit (sometimes some special spirits) and it makes it all bearable…  at least in retrospect.  I love the holidays, I really do, but they are a lot to handle and it can get overwhelming quick if you don’t have a plan of action. 

Write it all out!  Seriously sit down and write out all of those expectations you have for yourself so you can actually get it all done.  Make a night out of wrapping with a good movie, maybe some wine and go for it.  Separate all your gifts into large bags based on location so you can just grab it and go when the time comes.  Write out a list of all the gifts you have to give so no one is forgotten and always remember to have a few extra’s stashed away incase the random neighbor pops by to give you a little something.

Make sure you are not double booked for any day or night and be sure to write down when any cooking needs done.  It is great to volunteer to bring a dish to a party, but when every minute of the day before is packed it is hard to squeeze in some baking time.  On that note, be sure to grab ingredients in your normal shopping trips so you don’t have to make any extra trips out and waste the time. 

We chose a day to decorate and an evening for cards.  I know many of you still write out cards, but we go the e-card route.  It saves time, money and trees and although I see why some still stick with the traditional ways I do enjoy my “click and off they go” cards. 

Other than the things mentioned above I would say the best holiday trick is to be as malleable as possible.  You will feel like you are being bent, squeezed, stretched and hit square in the face probably a couple of times, but you just have to roll with it and Be Merry!!! 

Good Luck everyone and may the Holidays be with you!

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