Monday, November 14, 2011

Hang Loose

One of the biggest problems many parents have, me included sometimes, is that we forget that our kids ARE kids and we need to let them be so.  Even more than that though, we need to be kids with them sometimes… or a lot of the time.  Sure we have more responsibilities now, have the weight of finances, jobs, volunteer work, big life choices etc., but if we forget what it is to be a kid then what is it all for?  The best memories your kids are going to have of you when they are older is of you playing with them, laughing with them or teaching them something amazing.  They will have no idea if facebook was checked that day or if the kitchen floor was spotless.  Get out there and share in their little lives, immerse yourself in them and don’t just be the figure over them to make sure they do everything the “proper” way.  Kids have some mind boggling ideas they can share if we would just listen and many times we are wrong and they are right.  It is ok to let them know that sometimes. 
Stuck on ideas of new things to do?  Here are some recent things we did with ours that turned out to be some of those great moments to remember from the year. 

-         Sandcastles and burying in the sand at the beach was a big hit.

-         Hide and Go Seek is always fun.  Even if they are too young to count one can be with the child while the other hides and the seeking can be done in tandem.     
-         Dancing!  We always have music on around here over the house speakers and so it is common place to cook with a beat or break out in song and dance.  The kids think it is awesome.  It also teaches some rhythm to some of our not so rhythmic children.

-         The other day the girls were handing out “tickets” to their play “In the Moon Light” and said to be there in a few minutes.  My husband and I ran to our closet and dressed up for the occasion.  Brian had on a shirt, tie, suit coat and a fun hat from our honeymoon ages ago.  I put on a nice dress and we headed downstairs arm in arm.  The girls jaws dropped and they put on a great show.  Bravo!  There was a second show only minutes after the first ended and we had GREAT seats.
-         Play on the swing set with them. 

-         Explore anywhere from suburban to forest.  There are always great discoveries around.
-         Climb a tree and show them how it is done. 
(He would do well with coconut trees!)
(She had fun climbing)
(Do you see me?)
(Coming down was a little more tricky)

We were all there once, no matter how many years ago and it is all still in us.  The wonder, the fearlessness, the acting without thought of every consequence and the lightness of everything.  Some can access it without trying and others will have to dig deep. 

The chaos of everything can wait, sometimes you just have to play.

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