Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So Thankful On Thanksgiving

It was the day before Thanksgiving.  School was out, the bags were packed, cat sitter was lined up and 6 people and one large dog were cozy in the van and ready for the trek up to Michigan this year. 

This is how Journey rides.  Blanky in one hand listening to her movie.

We arrived in the early evening, saw family, met a new girlfriend (always fun!) had an inflatable bed debacle that is far too long to get into but included four inflatable beds, four sleepy children that needed three of them, one missing air pump, one that my mom ran out for but we didn’t have batteries required, one pump borrowed from our neighbors that held a charge for about 5 seconds (literally), one very winded daddy after self inflating one of them and a partridge in a pair tree!  But, there were many laughs and memories made in the hours long process. 

This was taken at about midnight one night in a dark room.  The flash didn't even stir her, but she was so cute all balled up on her pillow!

My family heads to Frankenmuth MI for our Thanksgiving feast.  We get there early, wait in line and then feast on four courses of deliciousness served by a staff adorned in pioneer clothes and accessories.  It is Thanksgiving tradition in Michigan. 

Waiting in the long line!

My brother with his nieces.  I spent more time with my brother on this trip than I have the last ten years combined.  It was great to spend time with him, get to know him a bit better.

Journey is finishing up the ice cream at the end.  I am pretty sure it was her favorite part.

Lana, Skyla and Trinity eating up their ice cream.

My parents (pictured here), us, my brother and his girlfriend and my sister made a party of 11 this year. 

It was a great time and I am so thankful for so many people and things in my life today.  But wait!  There is more! 

This Thanksgiving I was given a very special gift.  I was given time with someone I love and have missed greatly.  When I was only a year old my dad passed away as a result of a terrible accident.  We stayed in contact with my dad’s family for a while, but then when I was around 7 years old my grandparents moved down to Florida along with my aunt and two uncles.  I had another uncle and aunt that lived in northern Michigan, but we hardly ever saw them before and then not at all after.  Over the years I haven’t seen much of my dad’s side of the family.  A random drop-in the summer I was 16 years old and then my aunt and uncle from Michigan came to our wedding.  I have talked with my grandma on the phone over the years and she was always SO positive and loving.  I honestly haven’t heard anyone tell me that they love me and how proud they are of me so many times as when I would talk to her.  My grandpa on that side passed about five years ago.  I kept trying to get down to Florida to see them all, but things would get in the way.  I was usually pregnant, or we couldn’t afford the trip, we were moving or we had little babies.  It was always something.

Through the awesome powers of Facebook I have been able to reconnect with family and found that my Grandma was staying up in Michigan.  I knew I was going up for Thanksgiving and wanted to see if it was possible to see her.  Wednesday night, at last minute, I connected with my aunt and uncle and we set up a meeting in Frankenmuth.  I was very nervous and excited to be able to see her after so many years and for her to see her great grandchildren. 

I caught up with my Uncle after we ate our Thanksgiving meal and then he brought me to my grandma.  She looks nothing like she used to, her mind isn’t sharp and she stays in her wheelchair these days.  But, when I saw her it was comfort that hit me.  She smiled brilliantly and looked in my eyes and said “I love you”.    

She was so tender and happy.
Grandma with all the girls

For 86 years old she still has a sparkle in her smile that is magical to be around.  We all talked for a while and grandma was very interested in the children.  She loved to watch them play and she wanted to hold my hand.  It was such a blessing to see her and the others.

She loved being with the girls
My Grandma

The girls did so well being patient while I visited.

I got to hear about all my cousins and their children and even those down in Florida.  Grandma is staying in Michigan now permanently.  I am hoping to see more of that side of my family in the times to come.  I have really missed them all over the years and it was just amazing to see some of them again… especially my grandma.

Time for goodbye
BIG hugs!

We said our goodbyes and walked around the very cute town, did some shopping, looked at the horses and went back to the house.  The rest of the days and nights of our stay passed and then we were on the road again only to turn around and go back up in three weeks for a couple days of Christmas celebration.  Ahhh...  the holidays!

The girls watched a special show and had their popcorn balls as a snack... BIG mistake.  We will never again be getting brightly candy coated popcorn balls.  They were hard as a rock and made a huge mess!)
Grandpa and the girls made some cookies on our last day as a fun snack.

So... though the travel is long and complicated, the air beds are tricky, the popcorn balls are a hot mess and the stench of family drama can be sour there are always things to be Thankful for.  I hope you enjoyed a beautiful holiday with those you love.


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