Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Lion, The man and the Masquerade

As we head out of the door for the Masquerade celebration, for the children’s ministry at our church, we realized we didn’t have any masks.  So, in our typical fashion we improvised.  The girls grabbed dresses and I decorated their hair with colorful ribbons and figured they would have masks there to decorate and use.  My husband Brian, however, would not waiver and searched the house for something he could wear.  After sifting through the very large dress up bin of ours he found the plush lion mask.  I have no idea how he fit it around his extra large head, but he did and he wore it proud with a grin from ear to ear.  That is Brian.  We didn’t have time to stop and get me a mask, but I did forget to change from my slippers to my actual shoes before we left the house!  So, I was dressed up with colorful tendrils and …fuzzy slippers.

When we got there Brian was eating up the looks and comments he was getting and the girls looked adorable with their dresses trailing behind them as they ran through the halls. 

The dinner was delicious, the music was fun, the conversation was great.  But, the excitement of the evening peaked when they came and presented Brian with “Best Mask of the Evening” award.  He just looked at me with eyes that said, “See, I told you so!  Yay ME!” 

That is Brian, crazy and all.  He holds this award in high regard and feels like a King today as he sips from his prize goblet.

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