Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Showers Bring February... ?

Since when did strolls around the block, bike riding, playing on the swing set and a good game of tag in the backyard become commonplace for January in Indiana???  As many of us know, this has become more of the norm lately.  Usually at this time we are forced to endure the bitter cold, bundled up, eyebrows frozen hours of shoveling or ice breaking.  What strange, wonderful, curious and somewhat bothersome winter weather we are having.  But, we mine as well enjoy it.  Right?

The girls and I have been spending a lot of time outside and this week was no exception.  The wind blown hair, rosy cheeks, skinned knees and bruised legs and elbows from falling off bikes and swing collisions can all prove it.  This past Tuesday we were even able to have a picnic outside on the nearly 60 degree day.  Why not?  In spring the rule is usually 50 degrees, so why amend it because it is January?

I hope everyone is getting out there and breaking up their winter blues with some surprise spring-like days.  Who knows how many we will get and I am sure, now that I have written this, we will have a snowstorm of historical magnitude tomorrow.  Maybe then we will build an igloo and have a picnic in there!

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