Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Change In Definition

The definition of our family has subtly and dramatically changed over the years.  Sometimes we see it happening and other times it just passes by without notice.  Our family is a mom, dad, first grade girl, two preschoolers and the baby.  But, the latter part of this definition is changing fast. 

Our little girl has never really been a baby.  With three older sisters she never stood a chance.  She came out ready to fight for position, wave her little finger and use those dramatic eyebrows she loves to utilize.  This past weekend, however, we noticed a huge change in our little girl. 

She is 2 ½ today and it was time for the potty training to really kick in.  She was getting to the point that she thought it was cool to go potty in her pants.  Oh No you don’t!  So, last Wednesday I had her go through the house and throw away ALL diapers.  That is right.  We went cold turkey for this girl.  As excepted it was a messy few days, but the idea clicked in her head and by this past Monday she was having no accidents.  I am sure the road is far from over, but I am so impressed with her first week. 

I finished my Potty Chart!!!!!  After each of my kids finished their first potty chart (20 times on the potty) they received a "potty present".  For Journey she picked a Leapster Explorer to have one (you guessed it!) just like her sisters.  She loves it and I find her on it all the time now.

This wasn’t it though.  She also decided, on her own, that bibs were a thing of the past.  No More bibs!  Her sisters do not wear them and she wasn’t going to any longer either. 

Oh, the days not so long ago.

Because of an encroaching expiration date on a Groupon we had to get her big girl mattress this past weekend as well.  Was this all really happening in a couple of little days?  Yes.  It was.

She said goodbye to her crib/day bed and hello to her big girl bed…  just like her sisters.  She was a happy little bug in the covers. 

Goodbye to the Last crib in my house.  (sigh...)

Hello big girl bed!

Now when you walk up my stairs you can see the rooms of four big girls, with big girl beds and you will not find a single diaper in my house.  I have not been able to say that for seven years.  Our definition has changed again.  I am stunned at how big, and still small, she is all at the same time. 

This family of a mom, dad and four fantastic and dramatically different girls will have many great adventures. 

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