Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Surprise To Me!

As you may have guessed, time for my husband and I is minimal at best.  The hours at night are used to complete projects and assignments and those few nights that aren’t are riddled with exhaustion.  It is an even more rare occasion to get out of the house on our own.  So, when an opportunity came along we did our best to configure schedules and find a way.  A dear friend of ours was leaving my husbands work place and there was a goodbye party for her planned for downtown one weekend. 

It was the first weekend of spring break, we were out of town for birthday celebrations and everything was a little hectic, but I knew that night we would have some adult time, at a restaurant with some friends and not have a curfew!  (SO many nights we didn’t take advantage of before children)

I don’t know about anyone else, but as much as I crave and want these times, I *hate* leaving my kids.  I know they are in great hands, but they are ultimately my responsibility and I always feel guilty having someone else watch them.  But, Brian dragged me out of there and we headed north for Indianapolis.  On the way to meet Brian’s co-workers and our friends he suggested that the dandelion smudged shirt I was wearing was not in the greatest shape and we should stop and get something else.  (He did not let me know ahead of time we were not going home before this gathering and thus I was not very prepared).  Anyone that knows me well knows I do not like spending money on me, especially for clothes.  One once every 12th blue moon will I spend over $10 for any article of clothing.  It just kills me to hand over money for clothes when I imagine all the other things I could do with it.  Donate it, have family adventures, put it toward the black cloud of financing.  But, today he insisted and I wanted to look presentable with his friends and not like I was out mushroom hunting and playing in the fields only hours before…. like I was. 

We stopped and Brian was my personal shopper.  We didn’t have much time and his phone was exploding with text messages from people getting near the restaurant asking when our arrival was.  I tried on a rainbow of colors and then he helped me pick out accessories and we were on our way.  I changed Dirty Dancing Style in the car and we made it only 15 minutes late to Tappas Restaurant in Indy.  I hustled out of the car, straightened myself and we hastily headed over there to meet the others.  As we walked in and met the hostess, she asked how many would be dining.  My husband, like it was fully expected, said “table for two please.”


Oh, yes.  That husband of mine pulled a big one over on me.  It turned out the event had been cancelled, but he went forward with everything.  The texts were all a hoax and he just told people to text him so I would hear his phone.  I am sure the surprise look I was wearing was priceless.

We ate new and fun foods, drank some very fun drinks and laughed and talked.  Just the two of us.  It was great.

(This is what happens when you surprise me, feed me good food and a sparkly red and yummy drink!)

He also bought us tickets to go to a movie!  Another very seldom event.  We saw the Hunger Games that night and shared some cold stone treats. 

We made it home by 1am with very full bellies, full hearts from time together and some confused thoughts (thanks to the movie).

Every time I think I have him all figured out he can surprise me and I am reminded again why we have been together for 15 years.

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