Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting Back On Track

It isn’t easy to try and put life together after a spring break.  Not just any spring break either, one that time somehow rippled out of and ballooned so it was as if two months of life occurred within two weeks.  Loosing my dad, planning, emotions, trips south and north, activities and off schedules for four little girls, Easter, projects and assignments overdue.  I truly think my head was/is spinning a bit.  But, I am starting to actually live in productive world again and getting things in a some what straight line.  It feels nice, but strange too. 

I want to thank my friends, family, everyone I encountered in the last couple of weeks through email, text, face to face, facebook etc. as well.  Thank you for your patience, understanding, kind words, hugs and love.  It is a little piece of mind that in the crazy world we hold dear time can stand still for a little bit and everything will be ok. 

Light and Love,

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