Monday, April 16, 2012

Turning 7- Take One

What screams chaos more than children’s birthdays?  Literal screams!  I am reading the Little House series to our daughter right now and let me tell you, birthdays were a whole lot simpler back then.  It was a mild, but sacred and cherished, part of the actual birth-day when people were celebrated with small tokens of love and giving from loved ones. 

Well, we do not live in Laura Ingalls days, although I have always secretly wanted to for just a little while (until disease, cold or drought hit of course).  We live in 2012 where bigger, louder and more action can win out over the subtle.  So, for our daughter’s seventh birthday party for her friends we directed ourselves to SkyZone, which I have to admit, was pretty awesome!

This, of course, was the week following my dad’s passing and it was the only thing I had officially scheduled for the week.  The word hectic is an understatement as I attempted to add hours to my days to make up for lost time while still remembering what was going on in our family. 

But, we got there, the guests arrived and we all went for it.  Talk about Cathartic!!!  I am telling you, if you have some stress in your life get a trampoline.  A BIG one!  This place had wall to wall trampolines and, in fact, the walls were even trampolines.  The 6 of our crew and 10 of Skyla’s girlfriends from school bounced our way through the entire place and had a BLAST.

Getting instruction.  This poor guy was a little intimidated by so many young ladies.

Wow! So fun!

Brian and I were not about to sit on the sidelines for this one.  Note to self though- next time we go, wear something much lighter.  It gets hot quickly)

I still have some form left in me!

The foam pits were a hit

Climbing out was just as much fun as getting in.

Go Journey Go!

After an hour of jumping it was time for dessert, much needed drinks and gift opening.  I am not a huge fan of gift opening at a child’s party because the natives get restless and inevitably there is a duplicate or someone’s feelings get hurt.  I would rather open them at home, but the “party planner” had their routines and schedules.  The girls did well and I don’t think they could have huddled any closer to see what was inside those colorful bags and decorative paper.

This was a go to the store and grab a "cake" kind of party.  The girls loved the cupcakes though.  Skyla insisted this was a dog, but I think she offended the woman at Meijer who made the "bunny".  oops!

What is it? What is it???

Skyla thanked all of her friends for coming and as we left she said she had so much fun she would like next years party there as well.  Great time.  Great place and Great first celebration of our girl turning 7.  There are a few more to come with family, school and home.  Brace yourself.   

(Side note: it was not until about three days ago that I realized I didn’t even have guest/ treat bags for the girls that came.  I ALWAYS do some sort of gift for them.  So, to those that came I do apologize.  My head was not truly in the game that week, but I think everyone had a great time anyway.)

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