Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blood, Sweat and Shrubbery

We moved into this house in September of 2008 and we have not done a darn thing with the landscaping since...September 2008.  It was always a want and always an easy thing to push off another year for something else, but it seriously needed done this year and we couldn't push it any longer.  I was starting to feel like that house, especially because we have a retiree on one side of us whose yard is his well manicured child and on the other side we have a single empty-nester woman who is always in her yard when she isn't at work.  Then, of course, across the street we have the owner of a landscaping company...  get the picture?  It needed done.  This is what we were facing last week.

Overgrown much?

I honestly couldn't tell you what was what over there.

No definition.  It drove me crazy!  I am a clean line type lady.

We decided to consult with a landscape designer and take his plans into consideration, modify where needed and then do all the work ourselves.  I would consider Brian and I pretty avid DIYers and when given a task... we jump in head first.  This was no exception.  

First we had to shape the beds and remove all the sod, bushes and plants that needed to go and transplant some of the others to the backyard.  We rented a sod cutter for this, which is a highly unpredictable machine might I add.

Yes it is dark and raining in this picture, but when you have four kids you literally find time to work!  

Then it was delivery day on Saturday morning!  73 plants, 6 cubic yards of soil and 9 cubic yards of mulch!

This was all the mulch and plants.  The soil was in the street because we couldn't fit it on the driveway.  Then it was time for the BIG machines.  We rented, from Runyon, a rear tine rototiller and a trench digger to try and give definition to beds and break up this lackluster Indiana soil we have here (which is actually a mixture of clay, poor quality dirt and assorted pieced of lumber, metal and whatever else was on the site when this house was built.  It was an interesting excavation experience).

By the end of Saturday, which didn't occur until dark by the way, we had done all machine work, laid the top soil and pruned everything that needed it.  We didn't know it, but it was our easier day compared to the next day.

On Sunday, after we had a vomiting Trinity over night, it was time to go again.  My muscles said NO!  But, I didn't listen and made them get to work.  Brian did all the planting, because he is SO much more meticulous than myself.  You should have seen him trying to figure out if the bushes were in a circle or not.  I would have eyeballed it and been on my way, but that man had out ladders for an aerial view, because there are usually10 foot tall people in our driveway, ropes, tape measures, kids chalk and the plans.  It look a fair amount of time to get those bushes just right.  I know it is important to him though, so I stood by and supported the madness while trying not to bust out laughing.  

I was diggin' the digging and wheel barrow work where I can shovel it in, wheel it somewhere, dump it and spread it.  Sounds good to me!  

Sunday was filled with planting, weeding, mulching, and last details.  We were outside with flood lights on until 11pm that night, but we did it!  These pictures were taken the next morning when we had light again.  

green velvet boxwood's and Salvia

knockout roses, green mountain boxwood and an Alberta spruce at the end. 

hostas, boxwood's, catmint and daylily's

boxwoods, daylily's

The new service berry tree is back on the left along with bloomerang lilac, hydrangeas and a sedum purple emperor and some becky daisies in the front left.

We expanded beds in the back yard and transplanted a bush from that front.

We connected all the lion rose bushes in the back and transplanted others.

The curves were echoed all around the house.

We are very happy with everything and now all we have to do it keep it all alive!  We were sore, bruised, HOT (did I mention these were the two HOTTEST days this month with temps averaging 95 plus degrees?) and filthy, but we did it.  The two of us did it all and saved about $2500 in doing so.  

What do you do after all that work?  Party of course!!!

A last minute Memorial Day BBQ Monday evening is just what the weekend called for.  Friends, food, kids being crazy and playing in the water and sitting....  ahhhh...  sitting!  Good times!!!

Epilogue- the girls wanted to go strawberry picking the next day...  As much as I LOVE berry picking, mama needs a break from dirt and plants for a solid few days, ok?

*Just a note in thanks to all the armed forces that help protect our home and give unselfishly of their time, their world and, most unfortunately, sometimes their lives.  Thank you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

There She Grows!!!

This was taken yesterday on the 3 week birthday of the Tower Garden!  Since then there has been even more growth!  Next week I will have a side by side comparison with our traditional soil garden that is growing the same vegetables.  There is no real competition here folks.  It is a clean sweep and Tower Garden is gearing up to take home the trophy.

The progress of our vertical play toy has been phenomenal!  The huge broad leaves of the zucchini and cucumber and the large romaine leaves are beautiful.  Our tomato, pepper and herb plants are reaching their leaves outward and upward! We did, unfortunately, loose one of the transplanted strawberry plants though.  I am guessing we hurt something in transport.  But, there was another tomato plant eager to take the spot!  There will be loads of fresh pasta sauce here this summer!  Sliced tomato, gazpacho and whatever else I can find to make with tomato's!

Dr. Mitra Ray, PhD., has a great article on the this garden that has answers to four frequently asked questions and can be found here .  For those that would like something to listen to in the car or while making dinner here is an excellent webinar with the creator of the Tower Garden, Epcot's own Tim Blank, that gives a wealth of information and explanation.  .  

Until next week!  Happy Gardening!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Breakfast on the Veranda Please!

I know technically a veranda has a roof over it, but it just sounds fancier and when you live in a house with four little girls...  everything is at its fanciest!

Warm mornings with birds singing and dew still clinging to the blades of grass are here and, like we always do, we are taking advantage of it with breakfast outside everyday we can.  I love my breakfast outside days for so many reasons.  It is a beautiful way to welcome in the day with fresh air and a sense of excitement about what the day's treasures will be.  PLUS, the mess is outside and my floor stays clean.   BONUS!

I am looking forward to many more breakfasts on the "veranda" this summer with my little ladies.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer has Arrived!

We still have a couple of days of school left, but who are we kidding here?  Summer is here and a class party and wrap up day do not stand in the way of that!  The weather says it is summer, the bugs and plants say it is summer and the adorable little animals at Connor Prairie say so as well.

She is the lamb whisperer, the cat whisperer and just about anything else.  I am pretty sure she could walk up to a tiger and hug him, but we won't test that theory.  I have been known to be wrong sometimes.

It is such a blessing to have a place like Connor Prairie close by that we can go to anytime and just sit and pet a goat, sheep, calf, chick or donkey.  If we are lucky the pigs are out running around while we are there and the horses are within petting range.

This summer shook my hand with a different feel than previous summers.  There are no strollers, not even wagons!  There is no special foods or drinks I have to tote around for anyone and no bibs and no diapers.  I have never experienced a summer such as this!  I watched the three younger girls race up the hills ahead of me and it just hit me, again, how fast they are growing up.

Every summer will have its special brand and marking on my heart.  I am eager to see what this summer's looks like and I am eager to have all four of my girls home to go on adventures with!

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Last Daisy Year

Sky always looked forward to her Daisy days.  One Friday a month she could see all her friends, go on adventures, make extraordinary things and wear the coveted blue smock that means, “I am a part of something awesome!”

Sky right after induction at the beginning of her kindergarten year.

When we would go somewhere after a meeting she always asks to wear it in so people would know she is, in fact, a Daisy Scout

With the changing of schools and all new surroundings, I am not sure if she will continue with Brownies.  She can decide.  But, I do know she has cherished her time as a Daisy. 

At the 100 Years of Girl Scouts celebration last week Skyla spoke about Michelle Obama being the National Honorary President of Girl Scouts and I was very proud of her for how well she spoke in front of so many people.  The picture is dark unfortunately, but you can make it out.

Her last Daisy meeting is today and I know she steps away from it with more than she walked in with.  Thank you to all of the troop leaders for all their dedication and hard work! 

Good job Skyla!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sleeping in Beauty

How blessed are these four little girls to have a quilter for a grandma?  Store bought blankets have, and will, never adorn the cribs and beds of these girls.  Oh no!  They get soft, intricately detailed, personalized quilts embedded with love in every stitch.

Each quilt tells it's own story and fits the girl it was made for with colors and patterns that reflect their fabulous array of personalities and attitudes!!!

As the edges fray, from years of snuggles and comfort, the patterns fade and evidence of being washed so many times from the trails of childhood become more obvious, I know these quilts will always be treasured by each one of them.

Skyla gets her special BIG Girl quilt!

Trinity felt so special when she got her quilt.

Lana was Sooooo excited to get soft things.  Lana loves...  I mean really loves soft things and Grandma always puts very soft minke fabric on the back of all the girls quilts.

Journey was able to join the ranks this week with her brand new BIG girl quilt too.  She loves that her name is on it and grandma made it just for her.

Thank you Grandma Kathy for such special gifts that the girls will always know their grandma made special just for them.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Gardening, Catching Up and Getting Ready to Get Busier!

It has been a whole week!  I haven't gone a week without a post since I started this blog!  That should tell you how monumentally crazy life has been.  It is only going to get a little crazier as the summer comes and we are gone more than home each day.  I will spare you the many details of the crazy, but I swore on would get on here today and publish a post about the tower because it is growing and growing!!

As many of you remember the start of the Tower Garden looked a little something like this.
Day ONE in tower (The "Day 10" sign reflects how many days from seed the plants are)
Then after one week...
Week ONE in tower
Now, as of today, we have a wildly growing tower that is so exciting and I can't wait to go out there and pluck fresh fruits and veggies to make my salad, salsa, tomato sauce etc.
Week TWO in tower

The veggies, fruits and herbs are happy and loving it!  

I promised I would also keep you updated with our soil gardens.  I have to admit, the tower is whippin its tush right now.  I will say they were planted about 10 days after the tower seeds, but in day to day change, I am not seeing nearly as drastic a change.  We will see how the summer goes.  

I have had quite a few people ask me about our fertilizer's and compost because we use all organic materials in our yard.  Here is a picture of what we bought and used after an EXTENSIVE visit to Worm's Way, which is just north of Bloomington, IN.  They have a very knowledgeable staff and are willing and ready to help you out.
You can laugh, it's OK.  This is me tilling our raised bed garden's with a front tine tiller.

This is all the extra's we put into our garden to add nutrients and richness.  All organic and great for what we are plating.

Brian added soaker hoses throughout the soil for watering.  It is something new he wanted to try because watering last year soaked everything around the garden's just as much.  We will see how it goes.

We are always learning new things and trying even more new things!  I would say our thumbs are slowly getting more and more green, but right now we are in that faded chartreuse stage of gardening.  

Anyone have some great soil gardening tips or questions about the Tower Garden?  

Enjoy the sunshine!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Movin' On Up

The little seedlings are moving on up to a deluxe apartment in the sky-y-y.  By day ten most of our little seedlings were ready to be put into the tower!  Yeah!! 

Moving day was fun and exciting for all of us and the girls got to put some in and decide where they get to go. 

These are some remnant strawberry plants that were still coming up on the side of the house after we transplanted them a long time ago to the back yard.  Brian rinsed them off and set them in here to see how they do.  Grow, little guys, grow!

We are excited to see the growth everyday and it seems like they are growing every time we look out there!

The peppers take a while longer to sprout and the spinach, oregano and basil are just about ready to go in there!  It is awesome to step out onto our deck and see the progress and I am LOVING the gentle brook/ fountain sound of the tower every fifteen minutes.  I close my eyes and I can be taken away to a babbling brook bathed in illuminating light beams squinting through lush branches of the centuries old trees that...  "MOM!  TRINITY TOOK MY MOST SPECIAL  PRINCESS DOLL!!!"  

OK, so the Tower garden is not that powerful, but you get the idea.

*( you can always find out more about this by going to or contacting me directly through this blog or on facebook)