Friday, May 25, 2012

The Last Daisy Year

Sky always looked forward to her Daisy days.  One Friday a month she could see all her friends, go on adventures, make extraordinary things and wear the coveted blue smock that means, “I am a part of something awesome!”

Sky right after induction at the beginning of her kindergarten year.

When we would go somewhere after a meeting she always asks to wear it in so people would know she is, in fact, a Daisy Scout

With the changing of schools and all new surroundings, I am not sure if she will continue with Brownies.  She can decide.  But, I do know she has cherished her time as a Daisy. 

At the 100 Years of Girl Scouts celebration last week Skyla spoke about Michelle Obama being the National Honorary President of Girl Scouts and I was very proud of her for how well she spoke in front of so many people.  The picture is dark unfortunately, but you can make it out.

Her last Daisy meeting is today and I know she steps away from it with more than she walked in with.  Thank you to all of the troop leaders for all their dedication and hard work! 

Good job Skyla!!

1 comment:

Indianalori said...

It was such an honor to be her Co-Leader. I wanted to give her a hug goodbye yesterday, but my girls were melting. I'll be sure to give her one at the picnic next week. She announced she was leaving to the Troop and I told her we'd all miss her very much. Sara hasn't decided if she's staying with her Troop, joining the new 1st Grade Troop, or not at all. Decisions!