Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Twelve Years of Pooch!

The role of Bella, our beloved yellow lab, has changed greatly over the years.  She was our first baby, even before we were married.  

She was our everything.  She wasn't our only baby, but she was our biggest.  She had friends of all kinds and never knew that these would be considered meals in other labrador circles.  She was happy and content.

She took a few big stumbles, ate a few things she shouldn't, needed a few more surgeries than normal and moved with us FIVE times and now she is a content old lady surrounded by kids that show their affections by draping necklaces and blankets on her relentlessly.  The ends of the couch are her domain and she will tell you with a very directed, "Please remove yourself from my spot" stare.  

We love you madly Bell Bells!!!  Happy 12th!!!

(This was her pancake, peanut butter, milk bone sandwich treat!)

Friday, July 27, 2012

What a Little Lady... Sometimes

Skyla is at that awkward stage where she is starting to teeter on the edge of maturity and awkward immaturity.  Things that are funny for her sisters to do are not funny for her to do anymore and it is hard to explain and specially hard for her to understand.

Taking these leaps forward into the realm of "big girliness" has its perks though.  Like getting ears pierced!  I, myself, has a painfully bad (literally) experience getting mine pierced at the age of five that ended up with a lancing and closed holes and nasty treatments ( I told you it was bad).  Then when I re-did them at ten I was content and could manage things on my own.  While trying to hold out as long as possible, the months and years (YEARS!) of nagging on this issue came to a close when we agreed to let her get them pierced a few weeks ago.

Though told many times of the impending pain, she was eager to get it done!

This was her face the hole time.  There was not a tear, moan or even a wince.  When it was done she clenched the arm rests a little and took a deep breath.  She will be great in child bearing MUCH further down the road!

End Result?  HAPPY Skyla!  This was after I had a heart attack at the register after she had them done.  After passing a decorated sign on our way in advertising the free piercing, I figured, in the store where half of America gets their ears pierced, it would be reasonable.  I know when I had it done years ago it was a moderate $20 or so.  Sky's ears, with a few sale headbands for the others, came to $75!  "It is the price of gold" the unfazed clerk says as she stares at me waiting for my magic wallet to open and the money fairies to come dancing out.  Oh, maybe that was me hoping the money fairies would be there.  But, YES.  My fair warning to any that want ear piercing.  Watch out!  They will get you with the earring price, especially since they are ALL white gold.  

But, we have a happy girl, who is, by the way, doing a great job taking care of her earrings and we haven't had a spot of trouble with them yet.   knock, knock, knock

The other great thing Sky has discovered in her independence is American Girl Dolls.  Now...  we did not start this.  Word gets around the grapevine of friends and she discovered their luring addiction.  

Introducing Claire!  She went through a few names at first, but we have landed firmly on Claire and I don't think it is changing again.  This is Skyla's nine year old daughter.  I know, you do the math.  But, in Skyla's world with Claire she is 26...  I know, I know.  Still, not great, but better.  We explained things like this can not happen at 15 years old, but she just really wanted to be 26! 

Skyla LOVES her some Claire and she is dressed in the am and before bed at night and she is read to and cuddled with, has a special chair and Skyla is constantly searching the American Girl catalogs, that they are so good at sending our house, for the next thing she can save up for.  Yes, Skyla bought this.  She saved for months and months and saved for this doll.  It is all hers.

Our girl is growing up and entering new phases of life and new challenges.  It is fun to watch and fun to remember when I too was there.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Trim Here and a Yank There

It is a tree...  It is a tomato, pepper, romaine, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberry TREE!  Like with any great, and somewhat Dr.Suessean, tree, it needs tough love.  This week we had to trim back all of the cucumbers and zucchini from the bottom row and give room for new growth of some other plants and new seedlings we are growing.

The traditional garden is producing cucumbers and zucchini like they are going out of style and the plants are just SO big that the tower was leaning because we had them all on one side.  Great Planning, I know.

We have decided that our next fully new round of Tower Garden planting will first include some research as to what can grow next to each other without harm and will depend on what the plants are like at maturity.  That book I mentioned before in Zucchini Bread Anyone?  tells us everything!  We are learning as we go.  We were not born with green thumbs, but we are getting there year by year.

We also had to take out one of our broccoli plants because the stalk was getting so big that it was cutting into the side and "bleeding" water from the exposed stalk.  We have three stalks coming from one port.  It was sad, but we have others in there that are producing broccoli too AND I discovered that broccoli leaves (that are big enough to use as an umbrella...  trust we I have!) are a GREAT source of vitamin A and C and other phytonutrients.  The very dark leafy greens were plucked. along with any broccoli, and they sit waiting for me to devour them in a salad or my shakes.  Yum!  By the way...  the broccoli, and the leaves from it, are more intense in flavor than I have ever tasted before.  I am anxious for more broccoli from the tower!  Wow!

We are so happy with our Tower Garden and even more happy with our lunch and dinner tables everyday!

(If you are interested in a Tower Garden, you can visit this link, or contact me on this site or through Facebook and I would be happy to get you set up with one of your own!  )

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Peak Into The Future

In so many ways this July this more busy than the busiest of school months.  The hair dresser called me today and it took a good 5 minutes of timing tango back and forth to find a moment that I could make it in for a twenty minute hair cut.  The calendar is filled and the scales are tipped drastically in favor of the running around while the "sit and relax and take the moment in" moments are barely visible and stuck up in the air.  Picture an elephant and a flea on a teeter totter and you get the picture.

It isn't just one thing taking up time, it is just everything, and everyone,  needing something from me at the same time, most of the time.  Does that even make sense?

For one day a week, for 40 minutes for 4 weeks in a row, however, I am given a peak of something.  The future.

ALL four of the girls are in gymnastics together this summer. They are split into different groups, but they are all at the same time and none of them are mommy and me classes!  Can you say, FIRST TIME EVER!!!

Do I leave? No.

Do I bring a book, business affairs to be taken care of and my phone for calls to make?  Absolutely!

But, productivity has not graced this time for me.  Those things have stayed in my purse, or maybe they make it out to sit on the table and accompany me as I just watch them.  I will never tire of just watching them.  When I can step out of the action for just a moment and observe how they have grown, the silly things they do and say, their laugh and determination uniquely displayed on each of their faces when I know what is going on in their little minds, it is breathtaking.  These four sisters are growing up and doing it together in every way so far.  This petite cluster of minutes are a peak into my future of elementary school, middle and high school dramas and issues.  It is a peak at my growing independence I will have in the years to come.  Right now it feels like these 160 minutes spread over a months time not directly "on-duty", so to speak, are immense.  I feel like saying, "OK. Now what do you want me to do?  Do you have leotards that need washed? Bathrooms cleaned? Arguments settled? Paperwork checked and emails sent?"

But nothing.  Just a smile, wave and "See you later Mommy!"  from a parade of four little bodies and they go off to have fun.

The time by myself is amazing, but in the rush of everything I think I will just sit back and watch for a little while longer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Attack of the Tomatoes!!

First of all, THANK YOU to all of you who sent me recipes last week.  I WILL use them!  Keep them coming!  We are never short on zucchini or cucumbers around here right now!  Thankfully the girls like raw zucchini as well as cooked and, of course, zucchini bread!  They could eat that every morning for breakfast I think!  

With the hotter days the Tower Garden was going through water faster than normal, but the heat never slowed down any growth!  This is one garden that is drought proof!

At last count we had at least 34 tomatoes growing on here!!  Good thing I love my tomatoes and our neighbor does as well!!  We have Roma, Brandywine Pink and Beefsteak tomatoes growing and all three are doing really well! 

Our traditional garden is also doing well now with zucchini and cucumbers and has a few little tomato flowers starting.  

Last count we were at Tower Garden with a total harvest of 7 veggies (Not including all the lettuces I get off everyday) and the soil garden with 2.  The taste of the cucumbers and zucchini are slightly different in that the Tower Garden fruit seems a bit more full in flavor.  The biggest difference though is that the Tower Garden harvests are flawless where as the traditional garden harvests have nicks, bruising and punctures on them from the soil and animals getting in there.  We have already lost two broccoli plants to rabbits in the traditional garden, but they haven't been touched in the Tower.  Not only is it harder for animals to get at, but the sound of the water every 15 minutes turns them away.

I am excited to start getting all my tomatoes off of here soon and sharing those with you!  

(If you are interested in a Tower Garden, you can visit this link, or contact me on this site or through Facebook and I would be happy to get you set up with one of your own!  )

Monday, July 9, 2012

Home for the Fourth

I spent the beginning of the month in the upper peninsula of MI in order to give a final rest to my grandmother, who passed on Christmas day last year, and my dad, her son, who passed in March.  It was an emotionally crazy time, but I knew I had to get back to my girls to celebrate the fourth with them and my husband.  Over 12 hours in the car by myself was a new experience, but I did get to listen to a seven hour long leadership conference, some music and other assorted health talks.  It was productive at least.

When I stumbled in the door, literally because I didn't think this body could fully stand up again, at 9:30 at night my husband had kept the kids up so that we could all share a meal together.  It was a late night, but it was nice to see, and be with, everyone again.

The next morning we were ready for the parade!!!  As much as my husband tries to convince me, I just don't think I can have a fourth of July without a parade!  Yes, it is HOT.  It is boring many times.  The floats are not that exciting and the candy amounts to large quantities of pink globular bubble gum that is hardened from years sitting somewhere and handfuls of tootsie rolls, that are equally hard or melted from the heat.  BUT, I just HAVE to go.

We had a great time, bought some waters, saw a fair number of people we knew in the parade and yes...  they got some candy.  It was mostly the usual, but they did score a couple smarties and nerds in there.  

Despite the heat we crowded together for some family fun.  

I am so in love with this crazy bunch I have here.  Hope everyone had a beautiful fourth filled with family, food, parades, fireworks, laughter and smiles.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Need a Laugh???

Please bring these pictures out for anytime you are feeling the blues, crabby or otherwise NOT happy.  They work for me hands down.

Frodo Journey

Meow Cat Lana

and... Dr.Evil Trinity (don't look at her straight in the eyes!)

Oh the strange and fun things we will do when let loose in a bookstore!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Zucchini, Cucumber and Tomato Recipes Please!

Young mom (I can dream people!) seeks any zucchini, cucumber or tomato recipe I can find to help keep the Tower Garden harvesting at bay.  Please respond quickly before said vegetables take over back yard and home.   Thank you!

Now that our Tower Garden is a full 8 weeks old we are getting food off of it daily.  Real food!!  I love it!

I always told you I would be honest on here about my experience with the Tower Garden and you can always count on that.  We did find one fault with it last week when a brief, but powerful, storm rolled through.  Our basin was only about half full during this and so the tower wasn't as heavy as it could have been and, though it held up gallantly through many harsh blows, one gust came and toppled it.  I was watching and ran out to flip it back over and then the winds were so harsh that I had to stand out there for 15 minutes in the rain and hail to hold it.  I was laughing nearly the entire time at the picture I must be painting for neighbors, but it had to be done.  I wasn't loosing my plants!  Skyla came down half way through this and grabbed the camera for entertainment sake.  I was soaked!!!  But, my plants were ok!

Now, why in that course of 15 minutes did I not think to turn around and put the tower in the corner?  I don't know.  Water on the brain?  But, when Brian came home he took all of two seconds to put the tower in the corner where it was perfectly secure when the second band of storms came marching through later that night.

We do have a very gusty breezeway through the backyards and many a playhouse have fallen victim to it, but I still don't want to go out there and hide my head under broccoli plants every time there is a storm rolling through in order to keep it upright.  But Brian, yet again, proved that this doesn't need to be the case.

So, now she sits contentedly in the corner of our deck.  If you do not have a corner to place it in and it is a windy day I would suggest just getting it as close to the house as possible.

(I know...  crazy growth!)

We harvested our first of a bazillion cucumbers!
(we read that if you grow them on a vine they are more straight, but we are just letting them free flow and so curly they are.   It mirrors the wacky of the family anyway)

The tomatoes are coming, the tomatoes are coming!  We have 7 tomato plants all together I believe and oh MY are they starting to show their power.  I have a feeling I am going to be canning and canning and canning these bad boys.  So many tomatoes and so little time.  

Watch it!  You may find hordes of fresh tomatoes on your doorstep in weeks to follow.  

The traditional soil gardens are finally starting to take off!  We are almost ready to get our first zucchini off of there and there are baby cucumbers sprouting up too!

Sorry for the lateness of this weeks post.  With the holiday in there I was not able to post.  But, we are continually loving our planting and growing this year and all the benefits it is having on our family.

(If you are interested in a Tower Garden, you can visit this link, or contact me on this site or through Facebook and I would be happy to get you set up with one of your own!  If you are interested in the shakes mentioned above you can visit this link and contact me as well!