Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Attack of the Tomatoes!!

First of all, THANK YOU to all of you who sent me recipes last week.  I WILL use them!  Keep them coming!  We are never short on zucchini or cucumbers around here right now!  Thankfully the girls like raw zucchini as well as cooked and, of course, zucchini bread!  They could eat that every morning for breakfast I think!  

With the hotter days the Tower Garden was going through water faster than normal, but the heat never slowed down any growth!  This is one garden that is drought proof!

At last count we had at least 34 tomatoes growing on here!!  Good thing I love my tomatoes and our neighbor does as well!!  We have Roma, Brandywine Pink and Beefsteak tomatoes growing and all three are doing really well! 

Our traditional garden is also doing well now with zucchini and cucumbers and has a few little tomato flowers starting.  

Last count we were at Tower Garden with a total harvest of 7 veggies (Not including all the lettuces I get off everyday) and the soil garden with 2.  The taste of the cucumbers and zucchini are slightly different in that the Tower Garden fruit seems a bit more full in flavor.  The biggest difference though is that the Tower Garden harvests are flawless where as the traditional garden harvests have nicks, bruising and punctures on them from the soil and animals getting in there.  We have already lost two broccoli plants to rabbits in the traditional garden, but they haven't been touched in the Tower.  Not only is it harder for animals to get at, but the sound of the water every 15 minutes turns them away.

I am excited to start getting all my tomatoes off of here soon and sharing those with you!  

(If you are interested in a Tower Garden, you can visit this link, or contact me on this site or through Facebook and I would be happy to get you set up with one of your own!  )

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