Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Trim Here and a Yank There

It is a tree...  It is a tomato, pepper, romaine, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberry TREE!  Like with any great, and somewhat Dr.Suessean, tree, it needs tough love.  This week we had to trim back all of the cucumbers and zucchini from the bottom row and give room for new growth of some other plants and new seedlings we are growing.

The traditional garden is producing cucumbers and zucchini like they are going out of style and the plants are just SO big that the tower was leaning because we had them all on one side.  Great Planning, I know.

We have decided that our next fully new round of Tower Garden planting will first include some research as to what can grow next to each other without harm and will depend on what the plants are like at maturity.  That book I mentioned before in Zucchini Bread Anyone?  tells us everything!  We are learning as we go.  We were not born with green thumbs, but we are getting there year by year.

We also had to take out one of our broccoli plants because the stalk was getting so big that it was cutting into the side and "bleeding" water from the exposed stalk.  We have three stalks coming from one port.  It was sad, but we have others in there that are producing broccoli too AND I discovered that broccoli leaves (that are big enough to use as an umbrella...  trust we I have!) are a GREAT source of vitamin A and C and other phytonutrients.  The very dark leafy greens were plucked. along with any broccoli, and they sit waiting for me to devour them in a salad or my shakes.  Yum!  By the way...  the broccoli, and the leaves from it, are more intense in flavor than I have ever tasted before.  I am anxious for more broccoli from the tower!  Wow!

We are so happy with our Tower Garden and even more happy with our lunch and dinner tables everyday!

(If you are interested in a Tower Garden, you can visit this link, or contact me on this site or through Facebook and I would be happy to get you set up with one of your own!  )

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